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All you need to know: Tony had picked up a lead on the Sinister Sox. (Just wait... There's a joke.)

"Who's all in this group?" I asked. "Mysterio, Vulture, Doc Ock, Electro, and-" Steve was rudely interrupted. "Okay, a bunch of his enemies is all you had to say Stevie." You interrupted. He glared at you, only to glared at by Peter, who was glared at by Bucky, who was glared at by Tony, who was glared at by Natasha, who was glared at by Clint, who was glared at by-

"The tension in this room is enough to bring the Green Guy out. You all might wanna stop." Bruce stated sheepishly. "I just don't understand why you want to bring me in. I'm his girlfriend for Pete's sake and-"

Bucky started to laugh. Clint and Scott snickered, and Tony giggled quietly. Peter coughed, trying to stifle his laugh, and Natasha cracked a small smile. Steve was crying from trying to not laugh. Their laughs and crying in Steve's case, rose as they saw your eyebrow twitch.

Whenever you were furious, your eyebrow would twitch. "Now I see how this was a step down from S.H.I.E.L.D." I announced. Tony stopped laughing and glared darkly at me. "Listen here Y/n, if anything, we're more powerful, and reliable than those mothball infested garbage cans." He  threatened.

"You're just jealous because they're better than you." I spat. He sized me up, and I squared my shoulders. Bruce exited the room. "Im 200% better than them in every way possible." He narrowed his eyes. "If you even want to be half of what S.H.I.E.L.D. is, you'd try doing some squats." I hissed. Tony bit his tounge. He was caught.

"What's smatter Tony? Cat's got your tounge?" I asked with a smirk. He turned red. "Alright... Now that I think of it, your attitude isn't one that we need for this mission." Tony stated. You threw your hands up, "I don't give a shrimp." Tony looked at Peter who shrugged. "She has an odd vocabulary."

"Yeah... I know." Peter replied. You went into your room and sat on the bed. As fun as it would be to go on a mission, you couldn't bring yourself to do so. If they found out about you and Peter... And they figured out that Peter was Spider-Man things wouldn't end well.

Someone knocked on the door. "Do you want me to come in?" Their voice asked, muffled by the thick door. "If you've got nothing better to do, then sure." I answered. It was Bucky. He opened the door a little too quickly. It tore off the hinges. He wedged it back into place sheepishly. "Please don't tell him I did that." He pleaded.

I shrugged. "I'd love to be there when the door falls on him." Bucky smiled at that statement. He closed the door carefully, and he sat on the bed next to you. "So you don't want to go on the mission?" He asked. "Yes... And no." I replied.

"Tell me the reasons why you do want to go." He stated. "I would be able to have something to work on. Research without a reason, is pointless. I would also be able to finally use the training simulator, I'd be able to do something for the team... Basically I want to do something. I don't want to be that person who just tags along, and is only needed for backup. So far, that's been my job."

"The no's?" He asked. "I'm Spider-Man's girlfriend. I've only ever been in a situation like this once... And I lost one of the most important people in my life. She was supposed to get married you know... I failed. I couldn't get to her. Her husband probably hates the cat's guts for not protecting her..." I answered.

"Who's the husband?" He asked. "Johnny... Storm. I think. I never really heard his last name much. If I'm correct, they planned on taking her last name." Bucky thought about this for a second. "Hold on... Isn't he Susan Storm's brother? From the Fantastic Four?" Bucky queried.

"No. There's no way! There's probably a few hundred people here in New York with the last name Storm. Plus, he would've told me."


"He says I look less like his sister Susan..."

~present ~

"Oh shroom head... He is..." I realised. 
"Shroom head?" Bucky asked.
"I'm an idiot." I muttered.
How could I not have seen it?!

And on that note....

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"Take A Break... Have A Kit Kat." {Peter Parker X Reader}Where stories live. Discover now