"I just wanna be part of your symphony~!"

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'Ello bookworms!
I bet you're wondering if I'll ever update...

Well, the answer is:


.                                      .

First, I need to do some heavy research and see which Sinister Six villain is the most underrated, or unknown.
Then, I'm going to compare personalities, strengths, and weaknesses with Y/n.

I'm sorry for this. I really am. I just have ghost readers. 😐

I am always open to suggestions!
On a few conditions!
1. No lemons/smut
2. No cursing
3. No inappropriate references.

I like to do what's right, not what's popular.
You should try it. It changes your overall perspective.

Well, I hope you have fun doing whatever it is you're doing. I have to deal with writers block.


Also, does anyone know these artists?
Queen (if you don't, you are in dire need of education.)
Bon Jovi
Weird Al Yankovic
A-ha (Take on me)
My Chemical Romance
Michael Jackson
The Jackson 5
The 5 Stairsteps
The Beetles
The Bee Gees
Areo Speed wagon
Color Me Badd
Linkin Park


Well... I guess I should uh... See what's popular then.

"I don't care what you say about me. Just spell my name right." ~ P.T. Barnum

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