🍣 Sushi Time 🍣

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I was so happy to see (the majority) of the comments were complaints about the last 'chapter'.

Anyways. This will be short cause my screen is now glitching out. Fuuuuuun. 😒😒😒

Peter's POV:
Never have I ever seen someone so sleep deprived. Or suffering this horribly. Y/n's nightmares only seemed to get worse, her confidential job was tiring, her appetite disappeared, and well... The funeral planning took up the majority of her time at home.

I went off to the compound to see if Dr. Banner could give me any tips about this. His tips weren't all that helpful.

"She probably can't tell you about her dream because they're work related. Perhaps she's had a nasty encounter. Other than talking about problems and doing exercise, eating and sleeping there's nothing I can really do." He shrugged.

"Perhaps Mr. Stark would know?" I querried. He shrugged, and I bounded towards Mr. Stark's office.

He's had this problem, and he said that it was hard to bounce back. It's different for everyone. That's why it was hard to solve these things.

When I came back, I saw her passed out, sleeping, on the couch. I grabbed a blanket off of her bed, and set it on the floor. I slowly put her on the blanket, and rolled her up in it. I grabbed another blanket, and the process continued until she looked like a sushi roll.

I placed her back on the couch, and placed pillows and blankets on the floor so if she rolled off it would be a cushioned landing. I decided to cook some food. She was gonna eat. I ordered some pizza, and put it in the oven to keep it warm. I cooked some garlic knots and bread sticks. Oh, and spaghetti.

When Y/n woke up, she rolled off the couch, much to my enjoyment. She struggled to get out of the blankets, which also made me snicker. Finally, she agreed to eat if I let her out.

After dinner, which she ate the majority of, she ate an entire bag of salt and vinegar chips, with a bottle of Dr. Pepper. I made her drink watermand eat carrot sticks when we watched the first episode of Star Wars, then she fell asleep.


***its only a couple hundred words but I hope you like it anyways. Sorry you guys. But I'm mourning. My FAM went to go see End Game, and they left me. I have to pass my classes though.... So I guess it's fair. Especially when I'm failing three of them lol***

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