Vampires. Part 2..I guess? Idk.

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As if people are actually reading this omg?! Anyway, this is quiiiite a long chapter...sorry I haven't updated for a while! Be warned, the drama will be beginning in the next few chapters ;) so enjoy, and thank you for reading! xx


Although I didn't want to take sides with anyone, I knew that what Harry had said earlier was right. If Zayn wanted to sake Louis, Liam and Harry himself, he'd have a challenge on his hands getting past the three of them, and me. I was definitely supporting not staking them, for that matter. In fact, I'd actually considered asking Liam and Louis to join us in hunting vampires. I mean, they didn't exactly like Carlos and his lot - getting rid of them would probably be a bit of a laugh to Louis. However, I didn't fancy asking Zayn about having two vampires joining our ranks. I had a feeling he would most definitely be disagreeing with the idea.

I thought about it, later on as I lay in bed. What on earth was I getting myself into? I was a slayer, not a vampire. Why was I defending Louis and Liam so much, when I hardly knew them?

You like Liam

, my conscience told me.

"Of course I do." I replied.

You don't just like him though.

"What do you mean?"

You think he's hot.

"Well, yeah, of course."

You've got a crush on him.

"No I haven't."

You'd date him.

"No I wouldn't."

You'd let him drink blood from you.

"Whoah, whoah, whoah-"

Don't deny it.

It was then, laying in my bed listening to the sounds of the city at night, I first accepted it.

"I think," I said quietly, out loud to make it seem more real. "I might fancy a vampire."

Well, shit.


I woke up a few hours later, around 4am I guessed, to see Harry's pale face inches from mine.

"Harry?" I said cautiously. His eyes had a dark, focused look in them, and my hunter's instincts told me that surprising him right now would be a bad idea - hence my caution.

"Oh, sorry." Harry moved back, a weak smile gracing his face.

"What were you doing?"

"Watching your dreams."

I stared at him, aghast. "I thought you said that you promised Liam you wouldn't invade people's privacy?"

"You were having a nightmare, shouting and fighting - I was curious." Harry defended himself. "Anyway," he added bitterly. "Nice to see how much you trust me."

"Harry, it's too early to be cryptic. What do you mean?"

"You were dreaming that I was attacking you, drinking your blood, killing you."

I rubbed my head, vaguely remembering scenes of bloody violence from my dream. "It's just a dream, Harry."

"A dream is your subconscious mind voicing your fears, your hopes. You're secretly terrified I'll kill you." Harry sounded upset. "I don't blame you, to be honest. Not after last night."

Last night, I recalled, Harry had gone a bit crazy when Zayn was talking about blood drinking and ended up drinking my blood from my wrist, which he'd been very remorseful over. He could see that I was remembering, because he said in a whimper, "I don't know what's happening to me, Niall! I'm getting a full vampire."

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