Part 12 - final part

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This is the last part guys :( I've led you on a bit of a rollercoaster ride (rollercoaster that is life aha :) x no shut up that was a bad joke ) but I hope you've enjoyed it. There's a prologue for the sequel (yes I'm writing a sequel yay!) after this, but this is the final part to Vampires.

So enjoy the last chapter and thank you all so much for reading, voting & commenting; it means a hell of a lot xx


Cara's hand flew up to her mouth as Liam carried Zayn out, Harry and I supporting Louis.

"Niall?" she said, shocked. "W-what-"

"It's okay, Cara." I reassured her. "It doesn't look it, but it is. Everything's okay. Can you drive us home?"

She nodded, eyes wide. "What happened?"

"I'll tell you later. I promise. But we need to get them home first."

Liam put unconscious Zayn in the front seat, and Harry and I helped Louis wriggle his way into the back seaty, where he eventually lay across Liam's, Harry's and my laps. I had his head, and he stuck his tongue out at me when he saw me looking down.

"Go away." I told him.

"I would, but as it hurts like hell to move...I'm going to stay right here and annoy you." he grinned.

I shook my head in mock disbelief. "How the hell are you still happy and funny after nearly dying?"

"I don't know. Must be my amazing personality." Louis winked, then he said more seriously, "Maybe I'm happy not because I nearly died, but because I'm still alive."

He had a point.

"Besides," he added in a softer voice. "I've got Harry back when I thought I never would."

Okay, that caused a prickling in my eyes. Louis saw, and smiled a little.

"And you've got Liam back, too." he whispered.

I was actually crying now, not with sadness but because I was so happy and relieved. I was that emotional, I bent down and kissed Louis on the forehead, thanking him for making me realise.

"Hey, Niall, that's my job!" Harry said, though he wasn't really annoyed.

When I looked up, he saw my tearful eyes and reached over. Harry's hand found mine and squeezed it. I squeezed back gratefully. I really did have amazing friends.

Talking of friends, though...

"Cara, we still need to get Zayn into the house and make sure he doesn't try to do anything when he wakes up."

"Okay..." she replied slowly, knowing this was going somewhere.

"Will you stay with us? Only for a couple of days, until we sort this mess out. You're the only person he hasn't got a grudge against."

"I don't think he hates us as much, you know." Liam mused.

"Ahem?" Louis gestured to his bandage.

"He felt awful when he did that. It was when he heard Harry screaming." Liam looked at me. "I read his mind. Zayn had only heard Harry scream like that once. It was when you told him, after he was attacked, what had happened. What they'd made him into."

I felt sick at the memory. Harry had been in such a state of trauma then. Telling him he was half vampire was a bad idea - we had thought we would get it out of the way so he could recover properly, but it had only brought on more hysteria. When he had drunk the cup of tea and I had answered his questions, the panic set in. He had screamed for hours into his pillow. He had screamed until he couldn't talk. I could imagine how frightening it must have been for Zayn hearing Harry scream like that again. Scream like his entire life had been torn apart all over again. Which, of course, it had. If Louis had died, Harry wouldn't have been able to handle it. Zayn didn't know that before, but he knew then.

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