Part 8

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Omg I'm so sorry for this guys, this is where the shit really hits the fan, so to speak.

Don't kill me okay :(


"I think we should meet up with Louis and Liam again today." I said the next morning, trying to ignore the blush that spread across my cheeks at the memory of our conversation last night. "To tell them about the Zayn situation. It'll be better face to face."

Harry was standing by the counter stirring a cup of tea for me, and coffee for him. Thankfully, he pretended he hadn't noticed my reaction to saying Liam's name and nodded. "Yeah I think we should. I'll drop Lou a text, should we meet them at the bar?"

"Too public. What about the gazebo in the park?"

"That's a better place. I'll text him now, give me a minute."

He handed me my mug of tea and walked past into his bedroom to get his mobile.

Once he was out of the room, I sunk down onto the sofa and cradled the mug in my hands. I wished I hadn't said that about Liam to Harry last night - it was hard enough getting my head round the fact I liked vampires, never mind I was falling in love with one. I'd been trying to forget, to only think about Liam platonically, but it was impossible. I loved him, and I had to tell him somehow. Maybe I'd tell him today, if we were meeting.

 Yeah. I'll tell him today!

"We're meeting them in an hour." Harry said, coming back into the room with his eyes fixed on his phone's screen. "Gazebo."


His eyes flickered up at the tone of my voice, catching on my slighlty pinked cheeks. "What's up with you?"

"I'm going to tell him. I'm going to tell Liam how I feel about him."

"You go for it! Honestly, Niall, you should."

"I'm going to." I felt brave all of a sudden, and stood up proudly. "I'm going to tell that boy that I love him."

Harry grinned. "You might want to get some decent clothes on before you do that though, I don't think Liam's going to appreciate you confessing your love in burger patterned pyjama bottoms."

The park was damp and painfully bleak, all colour leached away by the bad weather. Harry and I stood, shivering, on the gazebo waiting for the vampires to turn up.

"They're late." Harry huffed. "They're never late. Unless...Zayn..." his eyes widened and he looked at me in horror.

"Don't panic yet, Harry, they might just be a little delayed." I caught sight of two figures at the park gates then, and sighed in relief, pointing. "See! I told you they were fine."

As we left the shelter of the gazebo and walked towards Louis and Liam, though, I knew immediately something was wrong.

Both of their faces were filled with anxiety, and Liam looked like he was about to throw up from worry - something I'd seen Harry do plenty of times, so I knew the expression that preceded it.

"Jesus." Harry said. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, yeah." but Liam's voice was distant. "You needed to talk to us about something?"

"Yeah. It's about Zayn." I explained. "He stormed out last night. He was angry with us for letting you go, because he was going to stake you while you slept."

"Knew it. Fucking knew it." Louis swore.

"Anyway, he's moved out. He's coming back later for his things and that's it. He's out of there. Harry did quite well." I smiled at Harry, who shifted uncomfortably. "Fed him a few home truths."

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