Part 6

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"What?" was the first thing someone said once the door had shut. That 'someone' was in fact Liam, who looked shell shocked.

"A truce?" Harry said, just as shocked as Liam.

Louis snorted. "Bullshit. He doesn't want a truce."

"Louis...he did. I felt it." Liam said quietly.

"He only wants a truce so he can stake us while we sleep or something."

"Don't speak about him like that, Louis." I told him tentatively. I didn't want a sassy comeback and, luckily, I didn't get one, only a scowl. "What if he really does want a truce?"

"What I fail to understand is why he'd want a truce." Louis remarked. "We haven't done anything to him, it's Zayn having the problem with us."

"Either way," I sighed. "He's not going to hurt you. That's a good thing, right?"

"If you believe him." Louis said darkly.

"Lou..." Harry said softly. "Zayn always sticks to his word. He means what he says."

I noticed Liam's anxious expression as Harry spoke, and Harry met his eyes. But neither of them said anything, and I wondered at their silence. I'd have to ask one or the other of them about it later, when Louis wasn't around - we really didn't need to add more fuel to his Zayn-disliking fire.

"So what're we going to do, then?" I asked, changing the subject from Zayn and his truce. "

"Movies, movies, movies!" Louis chanted.

"Maybe not at our apartment, though." Liam said cautiously. "You know, in case..." his voice trailed off, but I saw Louis's face tighten and he nodded.

So many secrets today.

"Movie day here it is, then! There's some DVD's in the cupboard."

As I spoke, Harry went over to said cupboard and rifled around.

"What should I put on?"

"Anything, surprise us." Liam told him.

I saw Harry look at a title and grin. He turned away from us, hiding the DVD until he'd put it in the player.

I gazed at him warily. "What's that you've put in?"

"You'll see." Harry jumped back onto the sofa with a cheeky smile.

"If it's anything crap Harry I won't cook you breakast for a week." Louis said.

Harry's smile widened, but I didn't know why until the title screen came up. Then all of us groaned and Harry settled back contentedly, safe in the knowledge he wouldn't have to suffer Louis's cooking for a whole week.


In hindsight, maybe watching the latest Twilight movie followed by the Texas Chainsaw Massacre wasn't the best idea.

Firstly, Twilight offended both of the vampires, Harry, and I immensely. Louis spent the majority of the movie mimicking Bella's eternally bored expression and gushing 'You're so perfect, Edward!' to Liam which had all of us in stitches.

I, for one was offended at the sheer amount of people who hadn't noticed anything was up with the Cullen family. Ice cold, pale, creepy family with colour changing eyes and an aversion to sunlight...nah, not suspicious at all. I was literally beginning to get very annoyed with any vampire hunters in the vicinity of Forks, who clearly didn't know their job. Then I remembered that the Cullen family was a nice family of vampires, a little like Louis and Liam. And that I was in fact doing the same thing, cuddled up with two vampires and a half vampire on the sofa. Okay so maybe I shouldn't be so cynical.

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