Part 5

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"So what're we doing today?" Louis wanted to know as he munched contentedly through his breakfast.

Sadly, Liam, Harry and I weren't enjoying our breakfast (if you could call charred bacon in a bun that), and were taking minute nibbles whenever Louis seemed to be watching. I knew without even being able to read minds like Liam and Harry could that we were all planning to empty our plates into the bin at the first chance we got.

I watched as Harry took a bite and winced slightly as it crunched. "I don't know, Lou." he answered, forcing down the crispy black mouthful. "I haven't got any plans - what about you two?"

"Nothing." Liam said.

I nodded in agreement with Liam.

"Well, I reckon we have a movie day at our apartment!" Louis declared. "What'd you think, Liam?"

"I think that's a great ide-"

He was interrupted by a knock on the door.

Louis put his plate on the counter, an enthusiastic smile lighting up his face. "I'll get it!"

"Oi, it's my door! I'll get it." I told him, only half joking.

Louis's smile faded slightly, but I couldn't feel guilty - privately, I was hoping it would be Zayn back and I'd be able to explain, apologise and persuade him to leave the vampires alone before I let him in. If Louis answered the door to him, it would be either stakes out and ready, or a full-on sass match. I wasn't in the mood for either.

As I left the kitchen there was another knock, a little firmer.

"I'm coming, I'm coming!" I began to dig through my hung up coat's pockets for my keys. They had to be in here somewhere...

Another knock.

"Alright! God!"

Zayn was so impatient sometimes, honestly!

I sighed in relief as I finally found the keys, then turned them in the lock and opened the door, swinging it wide open with a grin. But it wasn't Zayn. In fact, I had no idea who it was and felt like a fool for smiling so excitedly.

The girl standing outside our door was the exact opposite of how I was right now; cool, calm and composed. I'd never seen her before in my life. She had long, ash blonde hair and amazing cheekbones - definitely some sort of model. Even from the way she stood you could see it; tall and straight, as if she spent every day working a catwalk. Which she probably did, which made me even more confused as to why she was standing on our doorstep.

She smiled now, one long denim leg in a heavy buckled boot crossing the other. "Hi." she said.

"Um, hi."

"I'm looking for Zayn. Is he here?"

"Zayn?" I repeated, more than a little shocked.

"Yeah, Zayn. Malik. Dark hair, brown eyes? He said he lived here. Is he here?"

"Yeah. I mean, no. He lives here, but he's not here right now."

"Oh." the girl pulled a face. "Typical."

"If you don't mind me asking..." I asked tentatively. "How do you know him?"

The girl smiled, as if she was expecting the question. "I met him in a club a few nights ago, we went for a few drinks. He's a pretty sweet guy. Said to pop round today and we'd go out somewhere. But he's not here?" she checked again.

"No, he's not." I said apologetically. "Sorry you've wasted your time."

"It's fine, I guess. I'll just wait for him to call - men, eh? Well, thanks anyway. Seeya."

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