Part 9

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Why do I do this to you people I'm sorry I'm evil.


When we got in through the front door, Harry still holding my hand with an arm round my shoulders, Zayn stood up from the sofa straight away. "What happened?"

"It doesn't concern you." Harry replied, sitting me down on the sofa. "Carry on sorting your stuff out. We still don't want you here."

"The vampires did something, didn't they?" Zayn persisted. "And you just don't want to admit I was right."

There was a long pause before Harry spoke. "Okay, fine. Zayn, you were right about them all along. There, I've admitted it."

"Shit." Zayn took in our expressions, and heaved a sigh. "What've they done?"

Harry looked at me for the explanation. I stared at the wall, hardly listening, feeling sick and betrayed. It physically hurt, somewhere inside my chest, to think that it was them. Liam and Louis. I still couldn't really believe it.

"They were the ones that killed my parents." I answered in a monotone, since Harry clearly didn't want to. "They lied to me, they lied to Harry. About everything."

"Bastards." Zayn hisses. "So, what, eight years later they come along wanting to be your friends - or boyfriends..." he added nastily, causing Harry to gulp. "...and using you as a donor? That figures. Fucking vampires."

"I never should've trusted them." Harry said dejectedly. "I'm so sorry, Niall. I thought he loved me. But he never did. What a mess."

Before I could assure Harry that Louis not loving him was far from the truth, Zayn came up with something.

"There is one good thing..." Zayn began evilly. "Now we know who killed Niall's parents."

"And what's that?" Harry asked.

"Revenge, Harry. Payback time."

I glanced at my curly haired friend. Surely he wasn't going to let Zayn hurt Louis? Not after last night? Louis and Harry might be over, but surely he still had feelings for him. Didn't he?

"Okay." Harry's voice was even. "Stake them, yeah? Just the quick kill."

"Nah where's the fun in that? We'll get them to that warehouse in town. You know, where you take the ladies? And we'll have a bit of fun with them first."

Harry's eyes flickered to me, then back to Zayn. He nodded. "Right."

"I'm not one for letting them bleed out to be honest, too messy, but I think this is a bleed out occasion. We'll just tie them to the wall, slit their throats, and watch the blood of thousands of lives pour out." Zayn stated with relish.

I pictured Liam, sandy haired and kind eyes, tied to the wall of a warehouse with his throat slit. I felt sick. "I...I need to go...upstairs." I said haltingly.

"Good idea, go and get some rest." Zayn agreed. "You'll need it after a shock like that. Oh and Niall? I'm staying, by the way. I was right so I'm staying."

I just about ran up the stairs once I was out of view, tripping and scraping my knees on the top step but hardly caring as I escaped into the privacy of my room. I curled into my window seat, watching people passing by, going about their daily business. Unaware of the dilemma I was facing.

Did I want Liam and Louis to die?

I pictured my parents' bodies on the dining room carpet.

Yeah, I did.

Then I pictured Liam's smile, the look in his eyes when he's reading emotions, him wiping my tears on that awful night when everything became too much.

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