Part 7

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Since I'd actually written the last few parts of Vampires, all I had to do was write a couple more parts until I had the full fic.

Well, now I have - so instead of killing everyone with suspense, I thought I might as well upload the whole rest of the fic now.

This is the beginning of the end. Enjoy xx


The rest of the day went by quite normally, besides the extreme tension I was in.

As we watched Toy Story (Liam's favourite film, through which he had discovered a new bond with Zayn who was also a fan), Harry's eyes met mine from across the room.

He was uncomfortable, too. As much as I'd assured Harry that Zayn wouldn't go back on his word, I was getting increasingly worried that he would do just that.

Zayn was getting more friendly than he needed to with Liam and Louis, and it struck me that maybe he was overdoing it slightly so that they would trust him. Which was the exact opposite of what I wanted, to be quite honest.

I wanted them to be okay with Zayn, sure, but not to trust him. Vampires trusting a vampire slayer is like a pig trusting a butcher; it could only end in tears.

And Louis was so trusting, as well; sitting with Zayn discussing Toy Story and Pokemon and Power Rangers, all their favourite childrens' things without even considering that Zayn was planning to murder him. Liam looked like he could be thinking along those lines, though, sitting slightly back from Zayn and giving him the occasional curious glance as well as bantering with him and Louis.

"I love Toy Story." Zayn said with a sigh, leaning back in his seat as the credits rolled onto the screen.

"Me, too." Liam agreed fervently. "I'm afraid we'll have to get going, though. It's going to rain before long and we'll get soaked on the walk home."

"You don't have to go home." Zayn told him. "You can stay here tonight, if you like."

"Yeah, stay!" Harry pleaded.

I looked at him, and he caught my eye. He knew, and I gave him a subtle nod and said, "They haven't been home in a couple of days, Zayn - they should probably go and check up on everything."

"You trying to chuck us out, Niall?" Louis asked teasingly.

"No, no-"

"Like I said," Zayn repeated. "You're very welcome to stay."

"Niall's right, we had better go and check on the apartment." Liam said apologetically. "Thanks, though."

"No problem."

The three of us walked Liam and Louis out to the door, Louis giving Harry a quick kiss and Liam giving me a hug, and shouted goodbyes as they disappeared down the stairwell. Zayn was pressed very close to me in the doorway, and although I'm not an empathetic vampire I could still feel how furious he was.

I had the feeling that things were about to turn nasty when we were back inside.

I was right.

Zayn slammed the front door shut, bolted it, then turned on Harry and I. "What the fuck was that about, Niall?"

"What the fuck was what about?"

"Letting them go!"

"They weren't prisoners," I retorted. "They were guests - they had every right to leave! What's your problem?"

"My problem is that you practically persuaded them to go!"

"Well, maybe I had a hint of an idea that you'd stake them while they slept!" I spat back.

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