Cast/A Quick Introduction

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Hey guys! So I'll start off by thanking you for clicking on this book, I hope you enjoy it if you decide to read it! It is something I've been thinking about doing for a while and I finally decided to make it happen.

For starters--if you skipped over reading the warning on this thing--this book isn't safe for those under the age of thirteen and it talks about a lot of triggering topics such as drug abuse, sexual assault, mental/emotional abuse, gun violence, underage drinking, and bullying. So if you want to back out now, go for it! No hard feelings. Just know that this book doesn't focus on all the bad though and talks about healing, how to overcome fears and past traumas, learning to love yourself again, and take a stand to those that, well, need it.

In this book I will be including some of my own personal experiences as I feel like talking about it helps me to heal in my own weird way and I am proud of where I am at today so what better way to celebrate that with reaching out and helping other girls--and boys because men get abused too--with letting them know that they are not alone, and if you need someone to talk to about these matters DM me! Hopefully this book can bring you light during your dark times.

Now, with that said let me introduce to you the "cast" of this book (or at least, the people I imagined when writing it)

2021 Update: I wrote this years ago so I'll be doing a little brushing up here and there so it won't suck so much

Serena Carter—Florence Pugh (Or who ever you want 💁🏼‍♀️ She's ma' queen)

Jake Steffey—Noah Centineo (maybe he is a bit overused but come on, he's a babe)

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Jake Steffey—Noah Centineo (maybe he is a bit overused but come on, he's a babe)

Edit: ABORT MISSION. Please PLEASE use anyone else you fancy. I was a tad obsessed a few years back lol

 I was a tad obsessed a few years back lol

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Lee Caruthers—Nathalie Emmanuel

Lee Caruthers—Nathalie Emmanuel

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Caroline Baker—Jamie Chung

Maci Simmons—Madison Riley

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Maci Simmons—Madison Riley

Maci Simmons—Madison Riley

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Aunt Tess—Isla Fisher

Aunt Tess—Isla Fisher

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