T h i r t y

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Seven Months Later

The sign for Appalachian State University comes into view and I can't help but grin as we arrive on campus and I steal a glance at the line of cars behind me that hold my aunt, Miranda and Max, and of course, Jake.

The excitement to start college was all I could think about after Tyler's final hearing. With him being found guilty of all charges including my sexual assault, he'd be away for at least thirty years. As for Zack, judge Militello was able to pull some strings and he was able to get off with thirty days in jail followed by two years' probation which he was thankful for. Knowing that I didn't have to look older my shoulder for a few decades gave me the peace I never knew I needed.

With this new chapter in my life at App State, I will be able to leave the old Serena Carter behind and all of the baggage that came along with her. Here, I can become anyone I wanted to be as no one will know about my past other than Lee and Alex as they are going to be Jake and I's dorm mates.

A young girl—probably a student volunteer—wearing a bright orange safety vest directs us with a glowing wand to the incoming freshman parking lot and ahead I can see there is a swarm of people already unloading their packed cars and hugging their families goodbye.

Considering we are arriving in the early afternoon, most of spaces are taken. Luckily though, all four of us are able to find spots relatively close to each other and I get out, stretching. The drive from Monroe to Boone is a little under two and a half hours so it's not too bad, but still, being cramped in my tiny car did a number on my legs.

Opening my trunk, my aunt comes over along with Jake, Max, and Miranda. "So this is it, huh?" Max asks, surveying the beautiful campus.

"Yep, this is where and when we lose our kids for the next four years," Tess sighs, still pouting that I was moving out.

I can't help but to grin as I roll my eyes and pick up a cardboard box that says "bedding" written in black Sharpie. "Aunt Tess, we are only like, two hours away. It's not that bad," I tease.

Smirking, she grabs my lamp and a trash bag I stuffed with clothes. "Two and a half hours, and it is when you're used to having someone else around. Now I'm going to be all by myself," she says with a sigh.

"You have Ruby now, remember? She'll keep you company. And I'll be coming home like every other weekend, I promise," I say, referring to the new kitten I got her as my replacement.

"Tess you do realize that I'm still next door, don't you?" Miranda asks and everyone laughs. Ever since Christmas, those two have become so close that it's almost scary.

For the next hour, we unload our cars and drop off everything in our dorm rooms which are in the same building but a few floors apart making our jobs easier. Lee and Alex won't be arriving for another day or two, so when we first enter the rooms the air is musty and we have to prop open a window to let the fresh breeze in.

We then set up everything, making sure to leave enough room in the closest for our roommates and by the time everything is all said and done, it's now late afternoon.

Jake and I walk then stroll around campus giving our parents a tour as well as getting a feel for the school itself.

"Well, here we are," Miranda says out loud when we manage to circle back around to the cars. "I'm going to miss you Jake," she says, pulling him into a tight hug.

Tess does the same, wrapping her slender arms around me and pressing me against her chest. "I'll miss you too kiddo," she says, and I feel a sudden dampness on my neck.

Trying not to smile, I squeeze her closer. "I'll miss you too Tess. Thanks for everything you've done for me," I tell her, pulling away.

She wipes her tears away before I notice them and forces a smile, nodding.

Max gives Jake a handshake and a hug, clapping him roughly on the back. "Take care of that girl," he says, pointing at me with his chin. "She's a good one."

Jake grins and looks over at me, "I won't let her out of my sight."

We then switch—where I say goodbye to Miranda and Max and Jake to Tess. With a few more hugs, we watch them climb back into their cars and wave at them as their glowing red tail lights shrink into the distance before disappearing around the corner.

Sighing, I turn to Jake, looking up at those warm brown eyes that have become so familiar to me. The past year has been an absolute roller-coaster and it was kind of crazy to think we made it this far. Was this boy just my ridiculously attractive neighbor only a year ago? That being said, was I the timid, anxious girl that was broken only a year ago? It's kind of funny how so much has changed in such a short amount of time. "So, that's that."

He chuckles softly and takes my hand, leading us back to our building. "Yeah, that's that," he says lightly.

"So what now?" I ask, peeking at him from the corner of my eye.

He pauses, brushing a strand of stray hair behind my ear. With the setting sun's rays kissing his already tanned skin, he looks absolutely breathtaking and I ask myself how someone like him could want a girl like me.

"Well Carter, I say we've earned a bit of happiness so how about we just enjoy each other and see where the future takes us?" he suggests, giving me a sly grin.

"The future, huh?" I tease as he tugs me into his firm chest.

Bending down, he slowly looks at my lips. "Yeah, I may have a few ideas up my sleeve," he says, and brushes his lips against mine.

As we stand there making out like the madly in love eighteen year olds that we are, images flash in my mind at the "few ideas" he may have. Late night study sessions, sharing lazy Sunday's together in our pajamas, graduating together, or perhaps there is a white dress somewhere in the mix of things. Regardless of what he means, as long as I have him with me, I know everything will be okay as cliché as that sounds.

We break apart and he flashes his teeth, grinning like a kid and I know I am too. "Come on, let's go watch a movie or something," he suggests, intertwining our fingers together.

Strolling through the cobblestone paths of campus, a quote from Emily Bronte pops into mind. Glancing over to the boy that holds not only my hand but my heart, a small smile finds its way to my lips. "Whatever souls are made of, his and mine are the same."

When I first read/skimmed through Wuthering Heights in my tenth grade English class all those years ago, it was just some cheesy romantic quote to me. Now, having met the sweet, caring, funny, romantic, protective, and loving Jake Steffey, well, I couldn't agree with the quote more.

A/N: So, that's it! Hope you enjoyed Serena!!! It's kind of weird that it's over now. Maybe I'll write a sequel? Who knows lol

Thanks for reading guys, every vote and comment meant the world to me

Much love!!! -iRowan

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