Chapter 9

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That night, I was sitting in the common room in pajamas in front of the fire reading a book. I really missed enjoying my time by myself. I was distracting myself from the fact that the tournament starts sooner than I want it to, I wish it just didn't exist. I heard footsteps and then a huge crash, followed by a groan. I quickly set my book down and ran over to whoever fell down the stairs.

"Damn, that hurt" Says a whiny Draco as I help him stand up.

I stifle a little laugh and he glares at me.

"Are you alright"? I ask.

"Yeah, I'm alright. Why're you down here?" he asks.

I smile, "Just reading a book and enjoying the quiet by the fire".

"Can I join you?" Draco asks.

I nod. We both sit on the couch on separate ends. I continue to read my book, as I notice he also pulls a book out from under his arm that I didn't even notice.

"So are you nervous?"

I turn and look at him.

"A little bit, I must admit it's a little scary just being thrown into this". I say with a sigh.

He nods understandingly. We both go back to reading our books, I got a cold chill and shivered. He must have noticed, cause next thing I know he turns to me.

"Do you want my sweater"?

I look at him, as the gears in my head are turning trying to decide. I finally nod in agreement because man, It sure is cold in here even with the fire growing.

"I think it's getting late, we should probably head to bed." I say as I mark my spot in my book and close it.

Draco nods and says,

"You can keep the sweater if you want".

I blush and stand up,

"Thanks." I say as the thought in my head, 'Oh wow, this is his favorite sweater he wears it so much' , is just in my brain.

We both head up the stairs and head to our rooms, I lay in bed thinking of tonight, the sweater, of him. I smiled as I cover myself with my blanket, still in his sweater, and drift off to sleep.

The next morning I get up. I smile as I notice what I had on. 

' Why am I feeling like this, it's just bloody Malfoy' I think as I go to change my clothes. 

I decide to leave the sweater in my bed, as the sweet smell of his cologne will stay in my sheets. I hide the sweater under the blanket so no one notices, since I'm the only one left in the room. I head down to the common room, which is where Pansy seemed to be waiting for me to head to breakfast for once.

"Good morning" Pansy says with a smile.

"Good morning!" I say back to her.

She starts to ramble on about something between her and Blaise as we walk to the Great Hall. I just listen because I really have nothing to say. We finally make it to the Great Hall and take our seats. Pansy next to Blaise and me across from them. I don't really care about Pansy and Blaise being together, and we all kind of made up because it's hard to not be friends after like four years. Draco finally walks in and sits next to me.

"Why must classes exist", Draco says with a huge sigh. "I just want to sleeeeep", he whines.

Pansy, Blaise, and I laugh as Draco seems to suffer. Draco glares at us, as he tosses some toast crust at me. I laugh and throw it back. He finally looks over at me, almost seeming disappointed for a second and then smiled.

'Did he expect I'd wear the sweater?' I thought to myself as I smiled back.

"Well time to head to class", Pansy chimes as she is standing up.

We all stand up and head to potions class, and start our day.


Is it too late now to say sorry? ~Draco Malfoy x reader fanfic~Where stories live. Discover now