Can love win ?

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Eliza's point of view 

Me anda maria we're trying to help alex confess but he too fucking shy he is handsome so john would  fall for him if I wasn't so gay for Maria I would be a straight highschol girl and be in love and just being like 'oh boy you got me helpless ~' but no I'm too gay for Maria and we're perfect so no that's a big no no . Maria is giving him tips and me and Peggy are just  painting are nails while watching . " so like john is gay so like of course it's possible for Alex to get him ".

Peggy says then blows her painted yellow nails  "Alex maybe just  be nice to him and give him stuff " I hear Maria suggests she then starts playing with the hem of her black skirt it sorta bounces as she walks around making me just stare deeply into her natural beauty and her wavy chocolate hair .

" what if he isn't into me like i know he's gay but what if you know what if I get friend zoned or it ruins are friend ship " Alex buries his face in his hands  I go over and put my hand on his shoulder " Alex it's possible he loves you back if I wasn't so gay for Maria well I'm bi by still I would be in love with you your kind and caring and handsome John loves you it's possible " Alex hugs me and Maria " you know what I'll confess to him and tell him how I feel no more turning back ".

I clap for him " that was sweet of you Eli ~" Maria says trying to sound seductive and puts her arms around my neck " Honey don't tease me ~" she smirks then kisses my neck .

Angelica's point of view 

I walk in the room to see Eliza and Maria making out and teasing each other wow young   love. I see Alex and Peggy sharing secrets I grin seeing  everyone  happy is what I want if no one is happy then the world is just sad. 

Alex gives me a smile and Peggy asks me to join her so she can paint my nails I don't hesitate and let her paint them . When there done I look at them there painted a beautiful galaxy look and in my opinion Peggy should work at a nail salon .

I then get out my sketchbook and draw a forest with nature and animals I get my colored pencils and try and make them look bright and in the moment . Drawing is peaceful it gives me a wave of creativity it's just so amazing.

Eliza walks over to me " do you think Alex will get John I'm worried about him what if he gets too nervous and just gives up  " I put my hand on her shoulder 

" my dear sister love can win trust me and your a good friend to Alex " I get a text from John I pick up my phone .

John 🐢: hi Angelica I need some advice 

Me : yes 

John 🐢: if you love someone what do you give them that they might like I'm asking for a friend 

I think for a moment then start texting back .

Me : give them what they like or just give them flowers 

John 🐢: thanks bye 

Me : bye 

I close my phone I realize then what John asked was very .......mysterious I start making theories and one that comes up is very close.

John could like Alex . I mean come on I see him look at Alex with loving helpless eyes and I once saw him try and hold his hand .

God if Sabrina was here she would be trying it o get them together. Sabrina is like one of my friends and she is like super gay for lily . I then just take out my phone and listen to found/tonight .

( I hope you enjoyed and also to anyone who doesn't want me to put Sabrina my Hamilton oc in my books then just tell me . And yes I put Sabrina my Hamilton oc in glitter and happiness  you might know if you read the chapter think about us well bye )

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