I love you.....

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John's point of view 

I am sitting on the bench in a park I sigh Alexander said  he wanting to meet here and he isn't here yet wow . 

I see him running to me with a coffee " hey john sorry I took so long but I got you your favorite hazel nut coffee with whip cream " I smile I take the coffee " thanks " .

We drink are coffee and we talk about life and are friends " I need to tell you something " I look confused " speak away " .

Alex sighs before anything " John I have always felt something strong between us and I don't want to lose to u your the best thing in my life I don't want to lose you ever I need you I can't see you with someone other than me ever " I put a hand on his shoulder.

" just tell me what you want ok " he nods " I love you ..." I go silent I he then kisses me right on the lips .

I kiss back letting my emotions disappear I hold his hand and I feel his other hand go on my cheek .

" so we're now .." i don't finish my sentence " yes we're boyfriends well if you want to " I smile " I would like that a lot " .

" well it's about time !" Me and John turn around to hear Maria , Sabrina , and Eliza scream that out . " guys I thought you said we would have privacy " Alex complaints " moni mes please leave the two alone " Lafayette says . 

Hercules touches Lafayette's shoulders " your too cute you French bread " Lafayette blushes . Sabrina giggles then goes on her phone probably texting lily .

We all hang out the rest of the day talking about how wo almost no one is straight then Thomas comes up to me and Alex .

" hey freckles hey Hamilton " he says in a flirty and very asshole voice . Alex gets annoyed " Thomas I got no time fore this " he sighs 

" Alex i actually want to say sorry we have always not have been on best terms and with burr being in a Texas doing work for others it must be hard to not get to see him in the next year or so it's hard and now you have a boyfriend but me an you not being on best terms is bad so  I want to say sorry can we at least forgive each other " wow Thomas looks serious and everyone does miss seeing burr so it's hard .

Alex gives Thomas a hand shake " sure thing you macaroni mess " Thomas laughs " ok lover boy see ya " .

" see ya " Alex waves I look at Alex " things are going pretty smooth " Alex smiles " yeah " . 

Me and him Just sit down the sky looks beautiful " so is it us and only us " I smile " yeah I'm helpless for you Alex " we both just hug and watch the sky .

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