Ch//42 I'll do anything

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I woke up the next morning not feeling great. Not after what happened last night. She really does hate me, for some reason I didn't know.


"Hayden! I'm so glad your here. I needed a reminder of why I didn't want to be here anymore" he smiled and walked closer to me. "Me too, but I can't stay long" I frowned. "Why not?" He looked down at his shoes. "I kind of have a date" my eyes widened "You what?!"

"It's uh...just a study thing. No worries. I'll see you uh... tomorrow" he quickly left the room. What the actual hell?! A date?! Who kisses a girl one day, then goes on a date with someone else the next day?! Boys don't make any sense.

I rolled my eyes mentally.


"Hey babes" I smiled. Finally, someone I enjoy. "Hey, your just what I needed" she sat down next to me. "Yeah, what for?"

"Moral support" She creased her eyes in confusion. "What happened?"

"It was Nadia, she came last night. She suffocate me with a pillow" Brynn's eyes widened. "What the hell?! She's literally crazy!"

"I'm ok though. I got her off of me, please don't tell anyone. It's bad enough with what my mom has to deal with, I don't want her to know about this yet" she nodded her head.

"Oh, and how come you weren't here at the time you said you would come?"

"Oh! I was having lunch with Hayden"

"Lunch? With Hayden?"

"Yeah. Is there something wrong?"

"Oh no, nothing. Just curious" she smiled and stood up. "Well I should get going, my mom wants me home early for dinner. Something about were having guest"

"Ok. I'll see you tomorrow. Your coming to get me in the morning right?"

"Yeah of course babes! See you later" she walked out the room skipping. I started think about what she said, then Hayden, then what she said again. That so called "date" was with Brynn. I'm hoping it really was just lunch.

I don't mean to sound like the jealous girlfriend or whatever, but her and Hayden can't date. That's against what us as best friends stand for. 

2:30 am

Brynn walked in slowly. I held in my laugh at her horrible attempt to sneak in quietly. When she finally got to me, I let out the laugh. "Woah! Your up?"

"Of course I am! Now get me out of here. I can't eat hospital breakfast another day!" She helped me up out the bed. We reached the parking lot and got into the car. I held onto my stomach where the knife used to be the whole ride.

Just thinking of it made it hurt. When we finally got to my house it was 3:20. Still enough time to get ready for school. "Hey Brynn, you wanna help me get in the shower?"

"Looks babes, I love you. But that is one thing I will never do" we both started laughing. "Wait for me ok? I wanna go to school" she looked at me like I was crazy. "Are you sure about that? I mean you just got out the hospital"

"Yeah, I'm sure. I can't miss any more days. And besides, the expansion got switched to suspension thanks to my mom. Which I already got passed for the two days I was in the hospital"

"Right, well okay then. I'll be in the living room watching tv. Your mom said she had to leave for work early today, and she'll be working late, because she needs her last pay for the house you guys are moving into"

"Ok. Thanks Brynn" I walked upstairs to my soon to be old room. She really did pack everything. Except for one outfit, of course. And I'm so not comfortable with wearing it.'ll have to do seeing as I'm not gonna go through loads of boxes to find an outfit.

So I took my shower and brushed my teeth. I stood at the mirror and traced my finger over my scar that was now stitched up. The good thing about it was that I didn't have to do anything in gym, for a long time.

I guess this'll work

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I guess this'll work. I walked downstairs to Brynn. "Let's go"

"Ooh girl! You look hot"

"This is your doing!"

"I know. Thank me later" I rolled my eyes playfully and we walked out and got into her car. When we got to school, I did the normal of course. Walk into the building with Brynn, she came with me to my locker and walked me to class. I felt like today was going to be a good day.

I stopped thinking that immediately when Johnny walked into the room. "Hey Kenzie, who are you trying to show out for?"

"No one Jayden. This is Brynn's fault. She packed up all my clothes cause I'm moving, and left me with this"

"Oh wow, she definitely did that on purpose"

"She's just lucky it's hot in the school. Cause the temperature outside, is nothing like it is inside"

"I know right! I've been wearing shorts all week!" Me and Jayden stopped talking once the teacher came in. "Settle down class, settle down. Everyone, since it's a Friday I'll cut you some slack" everyone started saying yes!

"Instead of making you guys read from pages 125 to 280 as my original lesson. You guys can read from 125 to 279" of course he would do that. Why did we think anything else. Everyone sighed but immediately opened their books.

Once the bell rang I gathered my stuff and was about to leave the classroom but of course, the teacher wants to speak to me. "Yes sir"

"Look, I know you might be angry at Johnny, but I do need to find him a tutor. And your pretty much my most influential student. You've gotten all A's you entire high school year, and your great at helping should I say this? Comprehend faster. So please, will you do me this favor, and tutor Johnny until the end of the month. After that, you guys don't have to speak ever again. I'll even give you extra credit. I just don't feel like failing any students this year, I've been doing that half my teaching years. Math is usually not everyone's favorite subject but—"

"Ok, ok. I'll think about it" he stood up and shook my hand. "Thank you so much Mackenzie" I smiled and left. I walked to my locker where Brynn was waiting with Hayden. I rolled my eyes and put on a fake smile. "Hey babes, how was Math?"

"Mr. Howard wants me to start tutoring Johnny again. He said until the end of the month because he didn't want to fail him. He even offered extra credit."

"Wow he sounds really desperate" of course Hayden and his humor. Brynn's eyes widened. "This teacher has some nerve" I closed my locker and we were about to walk away to lunch, then someone softly said my name.

"Mackenzie..." I turned around. I haven't been this close to him since the day at the hospital. "Yeah?" He rubbed the back of his neck and looked down. "I uh, just wanted to tell you that I wasn't busy after school, if you know. You wanted to study then"

Before I could get a word out, Brynn steps in between us. "You have some nerve Johnny! Thinking you can just come up to her like that! No way, you aren't allowed to speak to her!" Johnny didn't even look shocked. He just took the hits.

"Hey Brynn, it's fine. I've made up my mind. I'll tutor Johnny" she looked back at me then at Johnny. "On one condition, you'll have to do it during study hall, and I will be coming" Brynn stayed. Great now I have to switch my schedule just to get study hall. Goodbye art I guess.

"Sure, I'll do anything"

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