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"Yellow C A R D!" The crowd yelled as Soojin, Mina and Momo were dedicating the bbibbi dance to the 10th anniversary of IU.

As a few minutes passed the song had ended and M/n grabbed the mic, "So, as y'all may know, IU has her tenth year anniversary know, and our precious member—Yoosung—has joined the celebration since the two are very close cousins." M/n said shocking the crowd, with whispers M/n silenced them, speaking again. "I know it may shock you that they're cousins, and with the rumors of them dating it's just messed up. So they decided to clear a few things up to the media to not assume everything is considered dating." Jooheon then snatched the mic away from M/n and started talking..



❤💬Liked by Golden

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Liked by Golden.(M/n), GoldenKookie, Mochimin and 2,998,093 others.

Dlwlrma 안녕하세요~~ ❤

👥: @Yoo.Owl

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IUfanneu is that IU-eonnie's bf?
        -uwunation mOst DefIniTelY nOt!

STANKINGDOMSS NoW tHIS is why Yoosung hasn't been with Kingdomss

snakepie dude this shit is so cute wtf uwu 💜

kpopmemes yOooO how is IU and her cousin so blessed with amazing genes??? 😩

-real life-

After M/n talked about how Yoosung couldn't come he heard his phone ring and of course like a normal being, he answered it.
"Yo yo yo." A voice said through M/n's phone, "yoooo Jaebom!" M/n replied as he walked to the dorms refrigerator and took Mina's banana milk. "So dude, I really want you to accept this offer I'm puttin' up." Jay said through the phone "I'm listenin'." M/n said as he silenced wanting to know what Jay was offering, "So, I wanted you to join AOMG but you know NOT leave yo crew? When you possibly accept this offer of mine, you either become, one, a singer-songwriter-rapper-producer of some shit or just become a main producer in the company? I know I may be offering too little but mann– I miss youuu and the fact that you can—" M/n cut Jay off saying "Jaebom, I swear to god himself, if I don't get to collaborate with you I'm suing." M/n said whilst drinking the banana milk he had just previously stolen. "Oh shittt! You really taking this offer?" Jay asked and M/n responded with a little 'mhm' and at that moment Jay exploded with pure joy "GooOodDdd thank youuuu saints and heavens aboveee! Dude Simon would be es-fucking-static when he hears about you entering the company." "Yeah suUuReEe." M/n replied sarcastically "but seriously we should hang tomorrow, I got this idea for you and I can't fucking wait to share it to you." Jay told M/n, "Ok sure-" as they talked and talked Mina had called M/n for his solo performance, "Aye Jaebom I gotta go Mina's calling me." M/n said to Jay as he hung up.

a few hours passed and the crew were packing up to go home, while they were packing up M/n said "So, I accepted being in AOMG." he said cooly "wHAT?!" Jooheon screamed loudly surprised that he —M/n— had accepted Jay's request in becoming an artist in AOMG "Yeah I'll explain when we're in the dorms." M/n said   laughing. "But the only question I have is.." Mina spoke "Will you be leaving the crew?" Silence devoured the crew, and M/n smiled reassuringly "Do you think I would accept the offer if it involved me leaving the group?"  M/n asked them and they all sighed in relief. "Of course he wouldn't have accepted it if it had involved leaving the group!" said Minho laughing.

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