Why Dø We Fall In Løve

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•Where Jahseh gets thrøugh a breakup wit the help øf his 'bully' Støkeley•

•Cøntains fluff•

{Jahseh p.ø.v}
Hmm what was I gonna do again?
Oh yea, I was gonna go out on a date with my boyfriend Shayaa {Sir Savage 💀💀💀}

That was, until I got a text from him saying 'cHaNgE oF pLaNs'
Like nigga huh? But that's okay, cause I'm finna pull up as we speak.

{timeskip cuz I'm lazy as fuck}

I guess there's a reason why we knock on doors, because when I opened the door, there he was with some skinny white girl, making out on the couch.

{3rd persøn p.ø.v}
"WHAT THE FUCK MAN!" Jahseh screamed at Shayaa, who looked pretty terrified along with the girl.

"Baby, this is my cousin! It's not what you think!" Shayaa tried to lie, but Jahseh wasn't having it.

"So I guess y'all from Alabama huh? That's ok. Lose my number. This 'thing' we had is over." Jahseh said, tears streaming down his face.
{Jahseh p.ø.v}


Gazzy 🧸💙:Jah, what's wrong?

Me:Can you come over, we need to talk 🥺

Gazzy🧸💙: Omw.

Great, I always thought something was going on. He really cheated on me with a fucking downgrade.

But I'm glad Gazzy finally showed up, because I'm one minute from having a meltdown

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But I'm glad Gazzy finally showed up, because I'm one minute from having a meltdown.

"Jah? Babe where you at?" Gazzy shouts from the living room.

"I-In my room Gaz." Fuck, I'm crying.

"Aww Jah what happened?" Gazzy asks, pulling me into his arms.

"Sh-Shayaa he" Thats all I could get out, I was so hurt. After 7 months he decided to cheat. Maybe even longer. I should've listened to Gazzy.

"See, I never trusted him. Now Imma have to get Omar on him." Gazzy says, his accent coming through as his voice raised.

"Gaz, isn't he friends with Stokeley?" I ask. Stokeley is my 'bully' but I can see through the fake act. He does this so he can keep a good reputation in school.

I mean, he is fine as hell, Looks strong, he's good at sports, Just everything seems perfect about him to me.

"Yea, but he won't do nothing to you, right now I'm gonna get answers though." Gazzy says, pulling out his phone.

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