Hurts Like Hell - Yoonmin

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Trigger Warning Oops

Jimin hurt. His heart literally ached. He hadn't expected today to be the day. He had dreaded and feared this day for the past 4 months of both of their lives. He hadn't cried, more become numb towards the pain that he had prepared for. He didn't think it would hurt this bad, no matter how many times the thought of it occurred or when the doctor had told them it had gotten worse and his imagination had ran wild. He would sell his soul to the devil just for one more chance to make the love of his life happy one last time before he was here no more. The words that were said to Jimin barely moments before he ran out of the hospital room were engraved in his brain. An image of himself sobbing on the corridor as the doctor tried to comfort him as his love got taken from him in one of the most cruel and heart breaking ways known to man.

Min Yoongi had died from cancer.

They hadn't known about it for long but as soon as they found out they made the most of it. A date night almost every night just so Jimin would never forget the sight of Yoongi adorably tucking into his ramen soup at their favourite restaurant. Jimin had dreaded this day. He hated to think that it had come. He reminded himself of all the gifts he bought the older, how he had held his hand through every second of the treatment that he was allowed to be near, how he comforted the older as he threw up after the treatments and got him painkillers and water to soothe his endless seeming headaches. Jimin would have given anything to be in Yoongi's place, yet didn't want the pain he was feeling to be felt by his love.

The way home from the hospital was painful, Jimin not wanting to leave Yoongi's peaceful seeming body behind. All he wanted was to cuddle the older and give him soft kisses and remind him of all the reasons why he loved him. The drive was painfully slow and deathly silent. Jimin couldn't bare to think of Yoongi any longer as it hurt so much, yet his love for him was so strong he couldn't help but let the endless tears stream down his now deathly porcelain complexion, eyes fixed on the road and arms shaky. 

He reached their home to be greeted by Min Holly, who could tell something wasn't right. Holly barked for a second as Jimin entered the house, and softened when Jimin's tears continued to flow down his face. He leant down to Holly and cradled Holly as they both seemed to sob for their loss. Jimin dragged himself to their bedroom, reaching in Yoongi's wardrobe for one of his jumpers. He never wanted to forget anything about the older, never wanted to forget what it felt like to be in his arms and hear him whisper sweet nothings into his ear. He put the jumper on and curled up into a ball on the bed, Holly coming to lay next to the younger. 

He hadn't felt this alone in years. He never had to, Yoongi had always been there every second and made Jimin feel hole. He rubbed his thumb gently across the ring that sat on his finger, wishing for the day the two were married to return and for everything to be fine. He really wished that he could just go back in time and never fail to make Yoongi smile.

Jimin felt nothing for the next few days. He stayed in their room, snuggled in the clothes that Yoongi once wore. He barely ate, only going to the kitchen to feed Holly, but this time was different. His eye caught a bottle of vodka on the shelf next to the glasses, and he pulled it down. He didn't care for a glass as he started to take large sips of the liquid, burning his throat. He sank to his knees with the bottle, Holly looking at him concerned, but all he could murmur was a small "I'm sorry," before downing the rest of the vodka and smashing it across the side. He grabbed his phone and rang Namjoon.

"Joon-ah... come and get Min Holly for me. I'm sorry." He slurred.

He smashed the bottle against the side, making sure to avoid it being near Holly. Holly barked like mad at the loud noise, which masked Jimin's screams as he shoved the sharp edge of the bottle against his stomach and pushed. Hard. He began to grow dizzy from the blood pouring out as he pulled the bottle out and stared at the blood stained glass. He heard the front door open as he dropped the bottle and sank to the floor, his final words being "I love you Min Yoongi" as Namjoon's screams were only faintly heard by Jimin. All that was left was black.

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