Confusion Pt. 1 - Yoonmin

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Jimin lay there swiping away his tears when necessary. He was so confused and truly didn't know what to do.

He was scared. His girlfriend meant the world to him yet he just didn't know how to process these thoughts, he knew he was bisexual and labelling himself as that for the past 6 years had been enough for him to live his daily life worry free from this sort of thing but now it seemed to eat him alive.

"Yoongi I just don't know what to do? Do I experiment while still with her or do I explain to her and leave her for a while to sort my head out?" Jimin sighed turning his head over to face Yoongi who was also lay on his bed.

"Both options cause you and her pain so I don't really know what to say Jiminie, you'll have to make a choice some day, just make sure you're ready for when that times comes. I'm always going to be here for you no matter what decision you make." Yoongi reassured, turning to face Jimin and leaning over to swipe away the tears with his thumb, stroking over the soft skin of Jimin's cheek and smiling slightly.

Yoongi had feelings for the younger but wouldn't say them out loud in fear of rejection or making Jimin's current situation so much worse. He wanted Jimin to be happy and to live his life worry free and this 'label' that the younger had given himself was what was stopping him from being happy like Yoongi wanted to.

"Yoongi I'm just so scared, I just want everything to fall into place I don't want to hurt anyone.." Jimin cried again, Yoongi moving over and opening his arms to let Jimin crawl into.

Jimin snuggled into Yoongi's chest, curling into a ball and breathing in the older males scent as he played with the strings on the front of Yoongi's hoodie. Yoongi's arms wrapped securely around the youngers frame as he rubbed circles in his back and breathed in the scent of his hair.
This felt all to natural and seemed to be the only way for Jimin to be able to calm down in situations like these. All they both wanted was to stay like this for ever but neither could accept their feelings to eachother.


The cold air of night was a blur to Jimin as he stumbled out of the bar under Yoongi's arm.

"Goddamit I told you not to drink too much," Yoongi whispered as they stumbled up the street together to reach their apartment.

"Jiminie feels like a cloud...Oososos" Jimin mumbled carelessly flailing his free arm around as the other was tightly around Yoongi's shoulders.

"Come on Jimin let's get you inside.." Yoongi pushed the door open with his foot as he dragged the two up the stairs.

When they reached their apartment Jimin stumbled over to the couch and sunk down into the blankets.

"I need to leave her." He murmured as and clumsily undid his shoes and tossed them against the wall.

He stood up again and stumbled into Yoongi's bedroom and flopped onto his bed, removing his hoodie and jeans and getting into the olders bed, seemingly unaware that it wasn't his bed or that the older was picking up his clothes off the floor and neatly folding them.

"Yoongi c'mere,, cold." Jimin mumbled, rolling around to wrap himself into a cuccoon with the blankets.

Yoongi took his hoodie off leaving him in just his t-shirt and sweatpants before climbing into bed with Jimin. He cuddled the younger close as he babbled on about inaudible things before he closed his eyes and his breathing steadied.

"I love you.." Yoongi whispered, placing a kiss to Jimin's forehead before buring his face into the crook of his neck and drifting to sleep himself.

When they woke up there was a bang on the front door and a screeching voice coming from the other side.

"JIMIN ANSWER THE DOOR!" The voice screamed.

Yoongi stood up and went to answer the door, Jimin shielding his hangover from the noise by burying himself further into the covers.

"Yes?" Yoongi asked as he opened the door.

"Where is my boyfriend and why hasn't he replied to me in almost 24 hours?" She asked, crossing her arms impatiently.

"He has a hangover and would probably appreciate to be left alone for the day." Yoongi replied, trying to shut the door in her face wanting her gone already.

"Fine! I'm done! He can suffer with all the hangovers in the world for all I care!" She screeched as she stomped down the hallway.

Yoongi sighed and closed the door and leaned against it closing his eyes.

"S-she left me?" Jimin asked, eyes wide and tearing up. He was stood there behind the couch wrapped in Yoongi's blankets like a massive walking blanket burrito.

"I'm sorry Jiminie, maybe its for the best?" Yoongi tried, walking towards Jimin and trying to comfort him but not having any luck as Jimin turned and ran towards his bedroom, dropping  Yoongi's blankets in the process as he ran into the bathroom joined to his bedroom and slammed the door shut.

He stared at himself hard in the mirror and sighed, tears falling down his face. Sure he was going to leave her at some point but he wasn't prepared for now, for this. He slid down onto the floor and sobbed into the cold tiled floor. He just wanted to disappear.

Around half an hour later Yoongi knocked on the door softly.

"Jiminie open the door.." He tried quietly.

"N-no" Jimin managed to get out, head burrying further into his arms as he tried to block the world out.

"Jimin please open the door sweetheart, its going to be okay I promise.." Yoongi tried again.

The door opened slightly to reveal a broken Jimin. His eyes were red and puffy and his hair was even more of a mess than when he woke up. Yoongi stood there with open arms and a blanket ready for Jimin to snuggle into. The younger latched himself onto the older comfortably, surrounding himself in the warm fabric of the blanket and Yoongis arms.

"I've got you baby don't worry you're safe now" Yoongi whispered, leading Jimin into the living room where he had set up more blankets and cushions for Jimin to comfort himself with. Jimin's favourite breakfast was set up on the coffee table as well as a glass of water and some pain killers for the headache Yoongi knew Jimin was suffering with. They both settled onto the couch, Jimin safely tucked into Yoongi's arms, watching the movie quietly as the two sat eating the breakfast Yoongi had made never wanting it to end.

Yoongi knew that from this day onwards he would die before letting anyone and anything hurt Jimin ever again.

Yoongi knew that no matter what happened in the future he would never leave Jimin's side.

Yoongi knew that he was in love with Jimin, and whether it was one sided or not, the comfort and security and happiness that Jimin gave him was enough.

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