It's not love im just drunk - alternative ending

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I thought that the other ending was too angsty so I decided to write an alternate one where it's happier. (when yoongi said he liked jimin, pretend he didn't say i hope at the end)

jimin woke to find yoongi fast asleep next to him, soft snores leaving his slightly parted lips. he smiled when he realised that he was still held tight in yoongis embrace against his chest and snuggled further into the warmth before realising just how dry his mouth was.

he crawled out of the death grip yoongi had on him and slid out of bed. he got a glass of water and a pain killer for yoongi and left them on the bedside table for when the elder woke up. he then poured himself a glass of water and looked through the fridge to try and decide what to eat, seeing as he was making food for two so eating instant ramen would not be acceptable.

he pulled out a random mix of ingredients and cooked them up, serving enough for both and placing them on the dining table before heading into his room to wake up yoongi.

"yoongi hyung wake up" jimin whispered as he shook yoongi gently awake.

"ngnggg what jimin im tireddd" yoongi complained, suddenly realising the headache he was currently experiencing and groaning loudly.

"here, make it all better" jimin smiled, handing yoongi the pain killer and water, which was received greatfully.

"i made us some food" jimin whispered, not wanting to make yoongis headache any worse. the elder nodded and got up slowly, wrapping his arms around his cold body which resulted in jimin covering the elder in one of his many blankets.

the two ate in a comfortable silence for now, both not wanting to ruin the moment by talking about what happened the night before. sure yoongi had wanted to kiss jimin but maybe when he was sober and had thought his feelings through first. he knew there were feelings there for jimin, and he knew they were confirmed when their lips met.

"jimin i meant what i said last night." yoongi stated randomly.

"y-you did?" jimin asked, slightly confused as to why yoongi was bringing this up now.

"yeah ive thought that ive had feelings for you for a long time i just ignored them because i was too scared to ruin our friendship.." yoongi sighed, "i wasnt that upset about me and hoseok breaking up if im honest i just felt like i didnt have any worth to anyones life when he left because we had barely been apart for the few months we were together. i was scared that id be alone for the rest of my life which is stupid i know but you made me realise that i wont be alone anymore because i have you... at least i hope i do" yoongi finished

"you always have me hyung."

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