Short Story - Namjin

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namjoon had a crush. he had a crush and it was literally crushing him every single day that  he had to spend so many hours alongside this perfect, handsome and breath-taking man.

jin was currently in the kitchen of the dorm making everyone dinner, as yoongi had been in the studio for starters and hadn't eaten since this morning. he went on and on about how they would all be exhausted from not eating enough and he had to take care of them all so he insisted that he make everyone, even jungkook who had hardly stopped eating all sorts of snacks since this morning. namjoon sat and watched jin in awe, trying not to be caught staring by sitting over on the sofa and pretending to be interested in some strange game that tae and kook were so deeply invested in. jimin and yoongi were sat on the sofa across from namjoon, yoongi sleeping on jimin shoulder while jimin was playing some sort of engrossing game on his phone. 

hoseok came barging into the room holding two dvds in his hands smiling eagerly, startling jimin which caused yoongi to jolt awake and lightly smack jimin for waking him, as yoongi could never be mad at jimin for waking him and everyone except jimin seemed to notice the soft spot that yoongi had for the younger.

"okay we have this scary horror film that looks kinda creepy or this scary horror film that looks really gorey! its movie night guys!" hoseok flopped onto the sofa with namjoon, causing him to jump, waving the movies in the air and everyone groaning and deciding on the creepy movie rather than the gorey one. 

"aish guys I made you all food so come here and sit down and enjoy it before you all get scared by that movie!" jin exclaimed. they all ran to the table and took their seats in the same order they always sat in since they moved in together. the food smelled delicious and was eaten by everyone in less than 10 minutes. soon enough everyone had changed into comfier clothing and was sat infront of the tv eating popcorn trying not to freak out over the movie. 

yoongi and jimin were sat on one sofa huddled together, much to yoongis reluctance (apparently), with hoseok sat on the other side of it, staring wide eyed at the movie but not giving in as he was the one who rented the movie in the first place. tae and kook were on the floor infront of the sofa huddled under a blanket, obviously not enjoying the movie. namjoon and jin were on the other sofa, blankets over the two of them. namjoon wanted so badly huddle with jin like the rest of the guys were but was only brave enough to lean his head on the olders shoulder as he closed his eyes and acted like he was asleep in order to not have to see the movie and also to be able to have an excuse to be closer to jin. 

by the end of the movie everyone except jin was asleep. he sighed and gently moved namjoon off his shoulder, smiling at how weirdly adorable namjoon was when he slept. he then tidied up and woke up jimin to wake yoongi up, tae to carry kook to bed, and hoseok to make sure he wasn't sleeping on the sofa again as he sometimes ended up doing after movie nights like this. jin gently shook namjoon awake after everyone else had gone, and noticed a slight blush creep onto the younger boys face but thought nothing of it. 

namjoon and jin went to their shared room and got in their separate beds quietly, muttering a brief goodnight to each other before jin turned the light off.

namjoon had tried to sleep for the past 3 hours but was too afraid to shut his eyes because of that stupid movie. 

"jin?" he whispered, hoping the elder might still be awake

"mhmm, what is it joon?" jin mumbled sleepily

"i-uh, cant sleep.. do you mind if i..." he trailed off

"aish, come here you pabo, just don't take up all the bed I need some way to keep this face looking handsome,"

namjoon chuckled and slipped across to jins bed and silently got in next to him. the warmth from jin made namjoon sleepy and he soon managed to drift off to sleep finally.

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