Chapter 4

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It had been a few days since the incident now, I had moved on and forgave them. It wasn't that much of a problem although I knew none of them meant it. Sometimes I sit down and think to myself at my den, that's what I was doing until I heard a gunshot. *BANG* it pierced right though the air towards one of the pups until it hit her, straight in the back of the head, I almost gagged at the sight, she was dead, it wasn't a pup I knew but I called another wolf over and began chasing after the human. I had caught up to him with ease as he turned around and saw me.

"Come to get revenge on you fellow pack member well that might have been your gravies mistake young pup," the evil man said as he ran towards me, he was wearing something very peculiar he had a purple suit and top hat on. I launched towards him tackling him to the ground. For a pup my size I was stronger than the average bear. I began clawing at his leg, he grieved out in pain. He didn't have time to point the gun at me, he was too focused on the pain. Then I gave him a quick punch in the stomach, enough to make him double over on himself, then I punched him in the face knocking him out. I thought about tearing his throat out, but I didn't I'd keep him alive for now.

"Never mess with my pack ever again," I told him even though he couldn't here me. That was the first time I felt like revenge was mine. I knew violence wasn't a good thing, my parents ha taught me that, but that wouldn't mean I wouldn't attack someone to feel like I've made someone proud escpassally if they attacked me first. I had walked back to the den and the village, there was now a whole scene around Gidget's dead body. Martin was there and I walked up to him to begin talking to him.

"I got him sir," I said, Martin looked at me he shook his head in approval.

"Dead or Alive," Martin said, I knew I should've killed him when I had the chance.

"Alive sir," I said. He looked at me.

"I knew you had good in you, you don't have the heart to kill someone but you have the heart to protect or avenge the people that you love, its something I really like about you, now would I like him dead, yes, but you did the right thing," Martin said. I walked back to my den where her funeral was held a few days later. Its not that I didn't feel bad, but feeling blood in my mouth was something that I was beginning to enjoy. I was getting used to the taste and began liking the taste, maybe something I would regret in the future. I ran into another wolf on the way back.

"Woah there fella, careful where your walking," he said.

"Sorry, I'm Chase by the way," I told him trying to make a new friend.

"I'm Razor, nice to meet you too," he said shaking paws with me. I had realized making more friends was probably a good thing because there is strength in numbers. We had begun walking down some of the streets in the wolf village. I had heard that Martin had wanted to call a meeting tonight at sundown. It was this meeting that would begin an all out war against the gang that had killed Gidget and ironaclly the same one who killed both of my parents.


"Chase, I've never known you to enjoy the taste of blood," Skye said. I quivered at the thought of it. it had been that dark memory of mine, it was something I am going to get to later on in the story and how that all changed.

"I'll tell you guys later, its part of the story I'm going to continue to tell," I told them.

"I never knew you almost killed Mayor Humdinger, and how he didn't tell anyone about it," Ryder said. Well he still doesn't know that it was me who attacked him but yes, he has never told anybody what happened that fateful afternoon.

"Chase are you sure your still one hundred percent sane," Rocky asked, I only laughed.

"Of course I'm not, its been something I've been wanting to hide from you pups for a long time, at least until you got older, then I could tell you the story," I told them.

"I think what Rocky meant was, have you done any other things recently involving this," Ryder said. I paused knowing that I have killed animals recently and even almost gotten inot a huge fight with some people.

"Yes I have, see when mom and dad were taken away from me, I sought revenge after, from that point on I was not innocent anymore, there are defiantly things that I've done that deserve a death sentence, but I'm willing to take those risk if it is for the ones I love, which includes you guys, your all part of my family, I don't know how I would make it without all of you, I'm so happy that you are here to help and support me through out my life, and I hope to do the same to you, I will never hurt you because you are my family," I said. The pups all piled on top of me giving me licks and nuzzles, the fact was, I would never hurt someone in my family, but if someone hurt them, they would be in a world of hurt, it was something I'd never let go, until the day I die, which I hope is a long time from now. Sometime I wished I was still with my parents and that I could see the beautiful faces, but at the same time if it weren't for them and the pack that I was with I wouldn't be the pup I am today, that pup that I am today is something that I really enjoy, something that I hope will never change whether its in me and the pups, I will love them for ever and ever.

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