The Way It All Starts

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Chapter 8•

You were pretty annoyed since she left you and forgot about you in the concert and hasn't talked to you or called after to see if you were ok and now that she sees me with Harry she wants to talk? And about Harry not a simple hello? You texted her back

"none of your concern"

Simple but effective. You threw your phone on the bed and grabbed you biggest luggage and packed all your clothes everything, toothbrush, hair brush, shoes, shorts, jeans, skirts, polos, shirts, hats, chargers, perfume, etc. Everything you needed to survive. You mom called from down stairs


Yaimee:"COMING MOM!"

you packed the last thing you needed your, iPod and Phone! You left it in your luggage and went straight down stairs.

"Ok mom what did yah make?"

Mom:"Your favorite! Pancakes!"


You stared to eat like Miss Piggy! You just loved pancakes so much!

Mom:"Well are you done packing?"

Yaimee:"Yup pretty much!"

Mom:"Good! Now I'll go take a nap my feet are killing me"

You kept eating your breakfast, after a while you finished your breakfast you went back to you room you, saw your phone vibrating when you checked it, it was Harry calling, you smiled so big you just wanted to hear his voice so bad! You answered and said


Harry:"Hi Yaimee how's it going love?"

Yaimee:"Nothing just in my room alone"

Harry:"Ooh you're alone? Aww want some company?"

You just laughed and said

"no thanks I'll pass"

Harry:"Aw you don't want someone to cuddle with?"

Yaimee:"Nah I'm good!"

Harry:"Aw ok ok well can I see you tonight? At the park near your house?"

Yaimee:"Sure but why at night?"

Harry:"So people won't notice us, I've already seen news about you and me in the car. I don't want people to make rumors you know how crazy people can be"

Yaimee:"Oh haha yeah I know well sure I'd love to see you I miss you!"

Your eyes got wide open you could NOT believe you just said that, how embarrassing, it was so shocking.

Harry:"oh....I...I miss you too Yaimee a lot"

Yaimee:"well I'll see you tonight"

Harry:"Alright see you at 8:00 love"

You were soooo happy and jumpy you were completely exited you just wanted to see Harry and hold him and just talk to him you just want to see his eyes again! You were looking for your outfit already you just really wanted this to go perfect. You choose a pink sweater and some skinny jeans with your favorite converse pretty normal you weren't a model to look perfect all the time.

Harry's P.O.V-

I was so happy that Yaimee said yes! I can't wait to see her and try to tell her the truth I just want to be open with her I've never felt like this so easy for a girl before I just want to be able to hold her and talk to her but I'm still not very sure if is a like like thing or a in love thing, I'll know when I tell her.

Zayn:"Why are you all smily?"

Harry:"I get to see Yaimee tonight"

Zayn:"Wait.....are you...starting to fancy her?"

Harry:"Yeah I guess"

Zayn:"Wow I never thought I'd see the day one of us would fall for a fan"

Harry:"But this is good I mean she's not a celebrity she's just a normal girl, she's a Directioner. I've always wanted to date a Directioner"

Zayn:"Well I'm happy for you I know eventually you'll tell her, you never hide your feelings so I hope she makes you happy"

"Me too"


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