Laughs In The Middle Of The Night

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Chapter 10•

"Wow I never thought I'd visit Paris this is amazing!"

Harry:"Well you're welcome love"

Harry just couldn't stop staring at you, you looked at him and said


Harry:"Nothing its just that...your hair color looks different in the moon light"

You felt a bit awkward of how weird it sounded but yet you replied and said "thank you"

It was very chilly even though you had a sweater and shiver just a little bit.

Harry:"Are you cold?"

Yaimee:"Nah just a little bit"

You continued to watch the stars and the moon

Harry:"But you're cold, here let me help..."

he was taking his jacket off but before he did you said

"Oh no please I'm good thank you"

Harry refused and still gave you his jacket, you looked at it and looked back at Harry and couldn't help but smile of his adorable smirk.

Harry suddenly just places his arm around you to make you warmer. After that you were really getting nervous it was...kinda like a movie, it was crazy. You just tried to pretend he wasn't as close as he was right now cuz you were trying too hard to not get even more nervous and probably even fangirl, you kept looking at the stars but from the corner of your eye you could notice Harry was looking at you he just couldn't stop staring could he?

Yaimee:" ok?"

Harry:"Yes, why?"

Yaimee:"I don't know you just keep staring at me's kinda weird and to be honest it makes me a little nervous"

You gave him a smile to express the fact that you're not mad or anything just shy

Harry:"I'm sorry I just..."

Yaimee:"Just what?"


After an awkward silence of 5 minutes you decided to break the ice and said

"Why don't we walk a little?"

Harry:"Yeah sure"

You grabbed Harry's hand to help him get up but the thing is that Harry didn't let go of your hand once he got up, he kept walking with you holding hands.

You were about to burst you tried your best not to do anything crazy obsessed fan-ish thing to freak him out, you were shaking a bit and you didn't want him to notice.

Harry:"So I will pick you up tomorrow morning at 8:00am to go to the airport"

He said while swinging both his and your arm as you guys kept walking.

Yaimee:"Yes I finally get to go to Paris and its with you guys I really love this summer it's just a dream come true"

Harry smiled he was obviously happy about your excitement, he felt proud that he could give you an un-forgetting summer. You both kept walking and walking around the park but then you saw a swing set and said

"Omg Harry lets play with the swing set please!"

Harry said while laughing

"Really? You want to play in the swing set? Aren't you a little old for that?"

Yaimee:"aw c'mon I'll never be too old for a swing set"

You gave him a smile.

Harry stared at you for 30 seconds till he finally said yes.


You pulled Harry to the swing set and you got on but Harry instead of getting on the other one he was just pushing you it was so sweet of him, you guys were laughing and smiling and you were giggling like crazy in the middle of the night under the stars with the boy you never thought you'd meet.


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