Some Words From My Mother

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"Spoiled fucking child"
"Spoiled fucking child"
"Spoiled fucking child"
"She's fucking worthless"
"What a damn bitch"
"Such a fucking spoiled child"
"So fucking worthless"
"What a piece of fucking shit"
"Such a fucking piece of shit"
"Such a piece of shit"
"Such a fucking worthless child"
"Wish you weren't my fucking child"
"I don't give a shit what your name is"
"The fuck do you think you are doing?"
"Clean this fucking shit up"
"You incompetent fucking piece of shit"
"I wish I never had you"
"You are a failure"
"You idiot"
"What a idiot"
"Idiot child"
"You are nothing but a failure and you always will be"
"Yeah, Go write your fucking poetry"

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