"Spoiled fucking child"
"Spoiled fucking child"
"Spoiled fucking child"
"She's fucking worthless"
"What a damn bitch"
"Such a fucking spoiled child"
"So fucking worthless"
"What a piece of fucking shit"
"Such a fucking piece of shit"
"Such a piece of shit"
"Such a fucking worthless child"
"Wish you weren't my fucking child"
"I don't give a shit what your name is"
"The fuck do you think you are doing?"
"Clean this fucking shit up"
"You incompetent fucking piece of shit"
"I wish I never had you"
"You are a failure"
"You idiot"
"What a idiot"
"Idiot child"
"You are nothing but a failure and you always will be"
"Yeah, Go write your fucking poetry"
Walled In
PoesíaI'm stuck, trapped within these tight walls, stuck in this neverending cycle of abuse. I'm walled in within this world of pain. There is an escape, please, come find it with me in these poems. A collection of poems about abuse on all levels.