Let's Do It!

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Something about the way the clock stops at midnight, makes the teal ink of the dark sky omniscient, cocooned in a glittering facade of darkness.

Or perhaps it's the moon that holds on like a candle burned to it's wisp, waning above the cloudless ocean.

A diffusing glow cool against our bodies, dark enough to touch our fingers, bright enough to raise our skin; moonlight.

Dean paused catching his breath as I laughed. This was the most fun I've had in a long time, and it was simple, two crazy kids running in the desert.

We rested our bodies in the warm sand, small scurries fluttered around us. We probably had disturbed a few lizards.

The town lights above us flickered creating a blinking lemonade hue that spread across the buildings and structures like a shattered rainbow.

I closed my eyes feeling the warmth of life, enjoying the company of a stranger, and perhaps a tiny string in my heart tugged, wanting more.

Dean yawned, putting his hands behind his back, "I learned to let go of expectations a long time ago" he shrugged.

We watched time sleep before us, under a basket of stars. I enjoyed the rasp in his deep voice, it added to the quartet of the night after the birds had sung their prayers.

"How do you live without expecting or wanting anything? " I asked curiously.

Dean rolled over on his back, the red golden dust floating around him, "I do want things" he corrected.

The depth of voice and serious tone made my body shiver, goosebumps adorned my pale skin as he continued to explain. 

"I let people show me who they are and what they have to give, instead of creating a standard they can never reach. Not expecting anything makes life bearable" he sighed.

I wasn't sure I agreed but I didn't have anything better to offer. Hope was killing me with disappoint.

An few owls hooted above us, the current under their limbs.

Dean studied me, his fingers toyed in the sand, making thoughtless designs.

"What do you want?" I challenged.

My eyes leveled with him, daring him to catch the whizzing currents of electricity around us. The heat of summer moaned within our hot coursing blood making us dizzy with lust.

I leaned into him, like old friends whispering secrets. His cool breath against my face, as his chest rose and fell slowly.

Dean didn't move, the fire in his eyes fueled with candor.

His eyes trailed down to my lips, a boldness in his eyes that made me feel intoxicated.

"So do you want to do stuff?" he blurted out.

I raised an eyebrow, "like?" I asked.

Dean shrugged burrowing his shoes into a sand, "I mean like use each other. I'll be gone in two days so it won't be awkward or anything" he pointed out.

I blushed under the dark indigo shade of night, happy that he couldn't see my face. My body language had asked for this moment, but yet I was still surprised by his boldness.

The only people who got action in this town was prostitutes at the annual motorcycle gang pike. It was impossible to meet people my age, much less have enjoyment without everyone knowing your business.

"Forget I asked..." Dean laughed nervously.

I bite my lip thinking hard, it wasn't that I was waiting for anything special. I had done it before but perhaps I was hoping for a little romance in a small town.

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