Tempt Me, Please Me

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They told me I was wild
because I wouldn't be still
but time never stops even when the light reaches the hill.
We are everywhere at once, but we are
not running the same race.
I just want to feel everything around me.
Motion in place....

I wished I cared less about things because then I wouldn't have noticed the trickling melodies of a guitar strumming like bells made for an angle. Or how each twang vibrated from the miridical instrument as it moved the red dust across the pavement. These were the signs that it was the end of summer, a eutony more peaceful than the echoes on my Spanish guitar.

Time flew regardless of how still I was and the days dwindled quickly behind a rutilant horizon.

As I said, I noticed things....

I noticed how Dean gently cloaked his emotions, behind a dark woodsy glare, like a blanket thrown over a antique. He tried to let his feelings return to dust. Most days he would watch me keep busy at the motel, as I ran errands and cleaned rooms.

We both swallowed our feelings, and soon the remnant traces of what once was, left us hollow. We moved like the Tin man around each other, fighting this uncompromising impasse.

I couldn't be just friends or care for him, more than I cared for myself, and he wanted what he didn't have.

The truth was summer was over and perhaps so were we.

"Cleo! You remember what I said" Dena fretted as she ran around the office throwing things into her suitcase.

I helped her, "yes, the new hire is coming later this afternoon" I chuckled.

Dena wiped her forehead, her stringy warm autumn hair was in a state of frenzy, "I'm trusting you, it's only a week" she mumbled.

It was my responsibility to assure Dena that her much needed vacation with her husband was going to be okay. She was giving me full range of the motel, and I would be the supervisor until she got back.

"Call me if aaaaannnnythiiiing goes wrong" she pleaded taking my hand.

I tucked a pen behind my ear, "I won't" I promised her, "because nothing will go wrong" I winked.

Dena squeezed me in her arms, "I love you Cleo" she whispered.

I smiled, although her big boobs were crushing me, "I'll be here when you get back" I whispered.

Dena hesitantly walked to her car, Jeff her husband was already waiting patiently for her.

"Bye" she waved.

I waved, giving her a big smile that hopefully said, "I won't fuck this up or burn the motel to the ground...on purpose"

I turned around to go back to the office, feeling big and powerful. I was planning on making the most of my managerial duties, and that included throwing a end of the summer party down by the pool.

I slid into Dena's chair, "huh so this is what power feels like?" I said to myself, as I melted into cushion.

It wasn't long before the new guy would here, so I decided to busy my time by writing down a list of things he was suppose to fix.

I didn't know who Dena had hired, except that he would be wearing a red shirt and jeans. Dena just told me his name was "Len" and that he was from out of town.

A gentle tap on the desk grabbed my attention and I looked up, "Hi" I smiled feeling suddenly nervous.

It was Dean and he was looking good, and to my surprise Maya was with him.

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