Leave Me or Take it

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You sweep me up again

I love to come crashing down.

Heart on a whim, strings sown to the hem

Pulled to the earth, consumed by your mind, conducted by your lips that draw me to time.

Love like leather,

love lettered...

To describe how you make me feel alive.

Is it crazy to want something so badly that you see it as clearly as a horizon?
Is it delusion when I hear hope's sympathy playing with the strings of my heart like a quartet?
Am I uncomplacent when I want something better than heaven?

How do I contain such a greedy heart when my lips covet your skin? and my body confesses to thy will. You make my mind feel less holy, spiraling in your sweet sin.

The heat dappled behind the over fluffed clouds, as the day turned over like a delightful melody, whistling from pursed lips. Dena told me that cleaning built character, so as my arms reached for the top of the windows seal, I tried to picture who I was.

"Ueeerr" I grunted, in concentration.

My feet wobbled dangerously on the ladder as I extended my thin arms across the glass, cleaning the upper level motel windows.

My hand dipped back into the sudsy bucket of water, as I rinsed, scrubbed, and repeated. My wrist ached but I was determined to make sure that was the only pain I felt.

I sighed, admiring my reflection in the now clear windows, overlooking the desert town. Which from a higher view looked like shells in the sand, or books covered in dust.

The wind harvested the marmalade golden minerals against the weary structures, as the sun splintered it's reddish color, like squeezing the juices of an blood orange. The landscape was breathtaking, because it was a journey, everything laid clear as far as the eyes could see, but yet magic stemmed all around us.

The birds were magic, they way they spread their amber wings against the teal of the sky without burning their feathers, and their bright colors resonated in our minds. All you had to do was look up.

Or perhaps the magic was in the sense of community, like small ants that moved mountains, we all looked out for each other. The smile of perfect stranger, the hug of a child, or the sweet smell of corn roasting on a slow grill, and the laughter that echoed on for miles.

This was Us.

"Cleo!" a voice yelled, a sharp panic in their tone bringing me back from my daydreams.

I looked down sluggishly, the dessert still in my eyes like a haze, "huh?" I murmured looking around.

Suddenly a body was pressed into mine, and the smell of cologne left my senses drunk. Dean had climbed up the ladder to me, holding me from behind as he locked me in his arms like a human shield.

"Gee Cleo!" Dean grumbled angrily, "you're going to fall, leaning like that" he huffed. His summer breath lifted the small curls on the back of my head as he spoke into the neck.

I bit my lip to as I felt the warmth of his body against mine. It evoked something primal that stirred inside me. I was hyper sensitive to the heat of his warm solid chest, and his beating heart as he held me.

I could tell from Dean's deep breaths he was struggling too, our bodies in such close proximity, as our flesh melted in summer's sensual lather.

I didn't dare move, "I'm okay" I assured him, "now please get off the ladder before we both fall" I warned him.

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