Chapter Thirty-Six

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Several years later.
You were nervous as anyone can be.

Leo came running to you.

"Hi, buddy." You ruffle his head.

He barks.

"Yeah, I'm kinda nervous." You sigh.

He barks again.

"Yes, yes. I know. It'll all be fine." You shrug, "Or not."

"Talking to Leo again, dear?" Ed comes walking in.

"No--Well, yes." You grin. "This lil' guy is almost four. Can you believe it?"

"I can't." Ed sits beside you and ruffles his head.

You swallow and fiddle with your fingers and the hem of your clothes.

"Hey, are you okay?" Ed puts his hand on your knee.

"Oh, I'm fine." You smile, covering up the nervousness. "Did I wish you a happy birthday?"

"Only about five times since morning." Ed grins.

"I...might have gotten you something." You swallow and say as your hand reaches to the small box beside you.

"Aw, how many times did I tell you that you don't have to get me anything?" Ed presses a kiss to your temple.

You slightly smile and hand him the box.

"What is this?" Ed opens the wrapping paper.

Just as he was about to open the lid, you stop him. "Guess what's inside?"

He pauses and thinks. "Is it a new quill?"

"I'll remember that next time but no."

"You don't have to get me anything next time!" He shakes his head but continues. "Give me a clue."

"A clue, hm." You grin, "Okay, seeing what's inside, you can be either horrified or excited."

"That's...extreme!" Ed stares at you. "Does it involve you?"

"Yes, " You nod.

"Are you horrified or excited?" He asks.

"I think that's enough questions." You grin. "Are you opening it or guessing it?"

"Opening it." He grinned.

"Such a spoilsport." You laugh. "Go on."

He opens the box and there is visible confusion on his face.

"What is this, dear?" He looks at the chain of photos in black and white.

"What does it look like?" You grin, but inside, you are nervous as hell.

"Dear, It looks of space  and a little..." His eyes widen as he looks at you, ""

You slowly nod.

"You're-- You're pregnant?"

"Bingo." You say, slowly.

Ed still stares at you, his eyes wide and his hand lightly over his mouth.

"You...wanna say something?" You ask.

"You are telling me the truth, right?" He asks.

"Yeah. I went to the doctors today because, well, I felt..." You trailed off. "And they scanned and there you go."

"Are you for real?!" He wraps his arms around you.

He gives you a little spin and looks into your eyes. "I-I don't know what to say."

How you fell in Love - Edmund x OCWhere stories live. Discover now