Chapter 10.1: Payback

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Sabin snarled.

He'd repressed his feelings as best he could, but he wanted to smash Sakima's princely face in.

Sabin figured out immediately that he was set to fight Sakima and not receive an audience. Sabin had plenty to say to the man. With his sword.

Sakima represented all he hated in society: privilege, class and undeserved arrogance. Sakima was the eldest at the Acadian junior tournament and used his size advantage to win. The tournament, the great equalizer it should have been, was subverted for the ego of one man.

Sabin took a deep breath, rolling his shoulders and loosening his muscles. He ran his mind through his sword forms, visualizing match before it happened. Each stroke he would use, each counter. Sakima's bear style kept him rooted to the floor and he fought with slow, heavy strikes meant to keep his opponent on the defensive. It was effective against a boy.

It will fail against the man. Payback is coming Sakima.

"Do you want one of us to shield you?" Kianna yelled.

"Outside interference is not allowed my lady," a guard replied. "Any suspected interference will cause the challenger to forfeit the purse."

It saved Sabin the trouble of saying no. He didn't need poor armor or magical interference to feed Sakima some humility.

"Kianna, why are you blushing?"

Alaina's words reminded him to steel his heart. He was falling for Kianna, despite what his best efforts. His anger turned inwards, ashamed that he could even consider betraying Kaita.

"Not bad for a foreigner."

Sabin gritted his teeth as he remembered Sakima's words. He refocused and gripped the hilt of his borrowed katana. It was banded leather and its blade was roughly the length of Wade. Yet after using Wade's lightweight form for so long, it felt heavy in his hand.

The tapping of shoes grabbed his attention. A short, plump man with greying temples approached. His wrinkles that suggested he was around his father's age and the clothes, with the hawk on green emblazoned on the chest, made it clear he was another official of the royal court.

"The prince is ready, challenger. Are you ready to begin?"

Sabin nodded his head and looked around. He was not sure how much time had passed. Yet people had begun to trickle into the stands. They'd have an audience for this event.

Even better

Alaina waved from the front row and smiled.

"Good luck, Brother Sabin! I know you can beat him!"

Kianna tugged at the hem of Alaina's dress and the girl sat down. Then she crossed her arms and tapped her foot.

She's worried.

Sabin smiled as a familiar warmth filled his chest, followed by more guilt.


Sabin took another look at the arena, nothing that it made have been the same place he and Sakima fought in the tournament three years ago.

He raised his sword and received a polite clap from the crowd.

"Sabin of Toro."

Sabin's eyes shot towards the newcomer. Sakima wore golden scale armor with a green hawk woven into it. His long black hair flowed over the breastplate and his black eyes locked on Sabin. His blade shone with polish.

Sabin suppressed a growl and bowed. "Hidenka Sakima Ichiro kel Lanius."

Sakima inclined his head. "After the last man, I did not expect another challenger. And none other than the Yuan pretender. Here for another thrashing?"

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