1. Memories

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"What do you mean he's gone ?! "

"I'm sorry , Erwin . It was two months ago when Mrs. Ackerman passed away . Sice no one could take him in , he was sent to an orphanage where they will take good care of him ."

That was the last time I heard about my best friend and my first crush , Levi . I was only 16 and he was 13 ... I didn't even get to say goodbye . How much I regretted going to highschool in Sina . Before , I thought that this lifestyle was all I ever wanted ... but it was never the same after he moved . I sometimes wonder what happened to him . Did he even go to highschool , did he start working right away ... is he still alive ? Whenever I think about it my heart starts to ache .

I  was always near him until his early stages of puberty when we found out about our secondary genders : me , an alpha , him , an omega .

"... omega . Go ahead and laugh , I don't care !" He lowers  his head in shame , crumbling the piece of paper with his results with anger .

"No , Levi ! It's not a bad thing !" I try to calm him down .

"Yes it is ! It means I'm useless ."

"No . It just means I'm gonna stay by tour side forever ." I pull him in a tight hug .

"What do you mean ?"

Since I liked him , I thought it was perfect . I often dreamt about us being soulmates , making a bond , a family , completing each other .

In the times we were alone I sometimes dared to timidly touch him . I would caress his soft face and he would lean into my touch  . When I would pull his fragile body in a tight embrace and he would wrap his arms around me , I took the chance to bury my face in his silky hair , taking in the faint scent of cheap soap that smelled so good on him . I think we both somehow knew we were meant for each other .

I never actually got to confess my true feelings though . Not because I was afraid he didn't like me but because I was scared of what would other people think . In that village everyone knew everyone and they liked to judge people for every little thing . I never saw a gay couple either - it was considered gross - so I thought I had to suppress my feelings for him  .

Now I regret it . I wish I could see him again . Just one more time . I want to see his beautiful face and hold it in my hands to warm him up , I want to look into his mesmerizing grey eyes and tell him how much I missed him, I want to feel his black hair between my fingers , I want to hold his small hands and promise I will never let go again .

I want to know he's alright . I want to check if he's in good health , if he eats well , if he's happy .

Happy ... that sounds nice .

"I'm so happy for you , Erwin , you worked so hard ! Good job for getting into high school  ! You're finally going to Sina like you wanted to !"

"Thanks , Levi . I promise I'll be back as often as possible ."

"Don't worry about me . I know this is what you wanted so I hope you'll be happy ."

I don't even think I'm happy . I always wonder why . I'm a 26 year old alpha and live a good life as a respected business man in the extravagant capital , Sina . My parents are healthy and loving and money is no longer a problem in my life . However , I don't have a mate yet .

Over the years I've had a few short and long-term relationships with women but none of them turned out to be the one . Something always brings me back to him . I try to find him in my other people but it never takes too long until I realize they're not who I'm looking for and we end up breaking it off .

Now I live alone and it's the late nights like this that I feel the loneliest and begin to think about the one who I consider to be the love of my life , Levi .

I can't help but hope he is out there somewhere and that one day we will meet again .

This is an introduction to the story . I hope you liked it and that I didn't make too many grammatical mistakes . Next part is coming soon . Thanks for reading <3.

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