2. Coming for you

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Levi .

Here I am . Sina , the forbidden territory for someone like me .

This is definitely not the place for poor people . We just don't fit in here . Not to mention we can't afford it .

I noticed I am like the elephant in the room . The others seem to have noticed too . But what can you expect from a man who lived in the countryside all of his life , who suddenly decided to visit the capital ?

I tried to dress as normal as possible . I just wanted to blend in ... and failed .  Going to Sina was the biggest event that ever happened in my life . So what would any country boy do ? - wear the nicest clothes they own . And that's exactly what I did !

See , when I turned 18 , the kids in the orphanage and the caretakers got me a gift ... And they accidentally gave that gift to the girl that also turned 18 on the same day . She loved that cheap suit so much , they couldn't tell her it was not meant for her .

And guess who got her gift ? ME ! A two piece tracksuit like the ones from Adidas , but a knockoff brand found in the local store , that happens to be a beautiful pastel lavender - her favourite color ... although they got my size perfectly !

Combine that with a 23 year old man and a pair of white sneakers . Perfect , now I look like the gayest person alive ! - and I didn't want to make it that obvious .

All my life I've heard rumors about Sina from various sources but I've only seen the opulence of the city on TV . Until now . I'm overwhelmed by the scenery of this world .

I've never seen so much people in my life , such tall buildings , this much noise  ... it's nothing like what I'm used to - a few people in a village that know all about each other , small houses and silence . Peaceful and calm atmosphere all around the year .

Yeah , I still remember the beautiful village called Maria , a small gathering of tiny houses with two churches , along with some other tiny buildings and lovely people . That's where I was born and lived peacefully with my sweet mother . Those were the good days ... Until all of it went down .

"Mom? M-Mom ? Are you ok , mom ? Mom , please ! No ! Mom , wake up ! No , no , no ...no , mo..m"

I stopped when I saw the blood . Only for a second . Then I couldn't stop for hours . Just picturing that broken little boy losing his only family makes me pity myself even now . What came next was even worse - Silence . Just silence . At the question "Is there anyone who can take him in ?" . Silence . Not one of the "lovely people" tried to help me .

That was the third time . The third time I was abandoned . Second time was by my mother , not that I did or will ever blame her . The first time ... it was Erwin .

He was my first and best friend . Later he also became my first love . He was really handsome . All the girls + me secretly had a crush on him . He was the kindest alpha I've ever seen in my life . He had all the privileges but never treated me like I was less . We used to spend a lot of time together since our houses were next to each other . We were very close but never got to tell him how I feel .

Because he left . He left the day before his first day of high school in Sina . Of course I wanted him to go , be happy , live the life he always dreamed of , escape the monotone countryside and find something better . But ... I couldn't be happy . The egotistical side of me was desperately telling me to not let him go ... and it was right . Because he never came back .

He said he would , but never did . That was the first time I felt betrayed . Later , I got used to it .

It just makes me wonder - Does he even miss me ? Does he remember me ? Why did he leave me ? Why didn't he come , even once ,  to see me in all these years ?

... I miss him .

That's why ... I came to see him . And I know it's stupid , I know I'm probably delusional , I know there's a chance he won't even care but I really wanted to see him .

Even if it's just for a day . No , an hour . Just to say "hello" . My heart aches just to see him close one more time . I don't expect anything in return but when I heard people talk about Erwin Smith , the kid from Maria , who became a successful business man in the capital city , I was really happy .

People don't make it where I come from . Erwin did . He always dreamed of this kind of life , ever sice we were kids and now he has it . When I found out about his whereabouts , I couldn't help but want to see him .

I basically jumped into this without even thinking . As soon as I had the money to come here for a short period of time , I took the first train available . Money was always a problem for me but it became a real struggle when I turned 18 and I had to leave the orphanage and live on my own . I became a working member of the rural society doing whatever I could to earn my money .

It is especially hard for me to get a job because I didn't go to high school . None of the children from the orphanage had the resources to go further than middle school . Therefore , I can only do jobs that don't require knowledge , usually housekeeping , but I actually love cleaning so I can't complain too much .

But that's not the only reason . I'm also an omega . We're seen in the society as the lowest category of people . Whores that can only spread their legs for alphas , get pregnant and give birth to their children .

Of course , that's a lie . We're normal people , we just have ... certain needs . Once a month , when our heat comes , we get horny as hell and we can't do anything about it . People usually don't want to deal with that so they don't hire omegas .

But I made it . I waited so much for this day and it finally came .

I find myself in front of a massive building . This is supposed to be his workplace ... his company . I enter the building and ask for him , receiving wired looks from everyone .

"You're here to see the C.E.O. ?"


"Ok... just a second ." The man in a fancy suit , just like everyone else , makes a phone call .
'Yes , there's a person here who says he's here to see Mr. Smith . Yes . No . I understand .'

"I'm sorry but it seems that Mr. Smith has no appointments with crazy people today . We will escort you to the exit ."

"Wha- but I have to talk to him ! "

"I'm sorry but if you refuse to leave the building , we'll have to call the guards ."

"No ! I'm not leaving ! I need to see him !"

"Our C.E.O. is very busy and has no time for people like you . And what's with that kind of appearance ? Actually what sort of business do you have with him , you are clearly not from the business world so ... what exactly is your occupation ?"

"I-I , I mean , just ... cleaning ."

"Cleaning ? Well , in that case , we were expecting you ! Why didn't you say so ? You don't have to talk to the boss for that ! Come with me , I'll take you to the administration department ." Without giving me any chance to respond , the man guides me to another room where we're greeted by a tall woman .

"Welcome ! You must be the new janitor ! I'm Hanji , the administrator ." She excitedly shakes my hand , crushing it just a little bit .

"I'm Levi ."

"Wow , nice to meet you , Levi , what a lovely accent you have ! Are you from the countryside ?"

"Um , yes ." Is that a real question? ... so obvious .

" That's very nice . Take a seat , Levi . I want to talk to you about the job . So first I'll give you these documents so you can see what the job is about . " She places a stack of papers in front of me .

"Sorry , I think there's been a misunderstanding -" I stop as soon as I see something ... very interesting . The monthly payment .And it's like five times more than what I earn at home .

"Did you say something , Levi ?"

"I asked when do I start ."

Thank you very much for reading . I hope you enjoyed this chapter . <3
I was very happy to see someone actually liked the story so I wanted to post the next chapter as soon as possible . I'm working on the next one . <3 <3

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