5. Liars

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Levi slowly opened his eyes only to find himself in the strong embrace of the blonde alpha. One of his palms was placed on the back of the smaller man's neck , touching the bare skin of his nape , as well as the leather strap that went around it - Levi's good ol' trusty collar , while the other palm was kept on his lower back . Not too low but low enough to make the omega feel wierd . He wasn't exactly keeping his hands to himself either as his limbs were all over the alpha's body. Heat always made a mess out of Levi but this was the first time he experienced it with Erwin . Well , not exactly , as they didn't do anything other than a harmless exchange of pheromones and hugging .

Also , this was not supposed to be his heat . His actual heat is due in about two or three weeks but the body of an unmated omega at this age is quite unpredictable . His body is longing for an alpha and it shows .

Although Levi wasn't fond of his natural reactions , he had to admit that he felt a real attraction towards his long lost friend . Especially after Erwin confessed - unconsciously or not - in the hospital room before passing out . He suspected that was the reason for his unexpected heat .
Fortunately , it only lasted for a few hours .

It made tho omega wonder . What if his heat ... Lasted longer . What would an alpha like Erwin do if he woke up to a room full of irresistible pheromones and a lewd male omega who wanted to be fucked more than anything . Would they ...

The small man couldn't help but notice Erwin's body . His masculine features that he lacked almost entirely . His broad chest with a trail of blonde hairs coming from under his t-shirt , his strong jawline covered in stubble that surrounded his half opened thin lips , the strong muscles that he could feel just by being pressed against his body ...

Levi gently pulled himself out of the alphas grasp and started to explore the house in hope of finding the bathroom .

He tried to be as quiet as possible until he left the bedroom he spent the night in , closing the door carefully so Erwin could get some more rest. After all , Levi was very concerned about the alpha's health.

He entered a big living room , decorated with the finest furniture and electronics , big shiny windows that let the morning light enter the house and warm up the soft carpets . It all showed just how hard Erwin worked every day in order to afford this luxurious lifestyle .

However , Levi couldn't help but feel very irritated . He didn't like much ... But he knew one thing : he liked his house clean .

But Erwin's was far from a clean one . Clothes everywhere , glasses and bottles - probably from drinking alone , dirty dishes and all kinds of wrappings scattered all over the place . Dust . Trash . Stains . It was all making Levi go insane . He HAD to take care of this mess .

After finishing his business in the bathroom , he started cleaning the house .

By the time Erwin woke up , Levi already cleaned the entire house and lunch was almost done . Levi figured he'll thank Erwin for saving his ass - literally- yesterday by making him a nice meal with whatever he found in the kitchen .

Cooking was another activity Levi was fond of and he was quite confident in his culinary skills . But whenever he thought about his two hobbies , the he same thought came to his mind .

"I'm a fucking housewife ..."

Levi was setting the table when a sleepy and confused Erwin entered the kitchen . Levi couldn't help but smile at the sight and the alpha did the same .

" I followed the smell . It's amazing , Levi ." This was the first time he smelled something like this in his own house . A lot of time passed since someone actually cooked here , but Erwin was not going to mention that .

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2019 ⏰

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