4. Not a Dream

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I wake up and it's already nighttime . As I realise where I am , my memories start to become clearer.

"...Guess it was just a dream ."

"Was it a bad dream ?" A suave voice coming from beside my hospital bed asks.

"No ... the opposite . A very good one !" Definitely one of the good ones . Nothing makes me happier than his smiling face . Though I try not to think about my dreams very often because I know they're not real .

"Mmmm, tell me ." The voice reminds me of someone .

"So I was in a- wait who am I talking to ?"

"Right , let me turn on the lights ."

As soon as the lights are on , I'm overwhelmed by the brightness of the white room so I close my eyes to let them adjust to it. Who is this ? I heard this voice before . Could this be ...

I slightly open my eyes only to see a tall blonde woman with a bored face .

"...Christine ?" I can't help but sound very surprised . We broke up after all .

"How are you feeling , Erwin ?" There we go again . Trying to act like she cared was what she always did before asking for something .

"Good . And you ?"

" Actually , I came because when they called your parents , they said it'll take too long for them to arrive . Your mother asked me to come in their stead . " That makes more sense .

"Oh , well , thank you ..."

" You better tell her already that we broke up . She still thinks we're engaged , Erwin . It's making me feel bad . "

" I'm sorry ."

" Well , if you're actually not dying , then I'll leave. I'll send you the bill for the cab later , bye !" She leaves the room with the door open and the light on . As always . Hearing the sound of her heels slowly fading away makes me feel more at ease .

"The bill , huh?" Well , still a golddigger , I guess .

" Did you wake up , Mr. Smith ?" A middle aged nurse peeks in through the open door . "How are you feeling ?"

"My shoulder hurts a little bit ..."

" It seems you fell on it when you fainted . It'll feel better after a few hours . We recommend a few days of rest for your body to fully recover . It is also- "

"Um , sorry , was there by any chance ... Someone else here today ?" I interupted her without thinking .

"Well , until an hour ago , there was someone . He said he was one of your employees , Mr. Smith ."

There's no way that's him ... But I clearly remember ! I'm couldn't have been just a dream ! There's no way I imagined that ... Yet I always dream about him . Maybe it wasn't real after all .



"I love you , Levi "

Suddenly , whole body felt like it was on fire . I was getting wet down there and my chest also felt wired . My ability to think straight or walk straight was slowly getting worse and worse so I had to do something quickly.

I locked myself in the bathroom . Women's bathroom . There's no way I would step in the men's bathroom right now . Not while I'm in heat .

Why now ? It's only been two weeks since my last one . This is way too sudden... There's no way this is normal .

It was Erwin . Well , it's not his fault but ... It definitely happened because of him . My body reacted immediately . Immediately after he said he ...loved me ?

I'm confused .

And horny . Very horny . I'm desperate for something in my ass right now but I have to get out of here ... No , actually there's no way I'm going on the street smelling like this . I think I'll just stay here and masturbate quietly .

After a few minutes of slowly losing my mind due to the heat , all my thoughts have been replaced by the urge to be fucked . I find myself agressively fingering my asshole in hope of reaching the spot that makes me feel good while unconsciously calling out Erwin's name .

Who would've thought that he's gonna turn into this sexy hunk ... Ugh , what am ai even thinking !

"Ah , Erwin !"

Those strong muscles and broad shoulders looked so manly ... No! He is sick !

"Erwin... !"

I bet he's got a big dick to mach that body , too ... Stop ! That's not right !

"Mmm , Erwin!"

"...Levi ?" Hearing the low voice call out my name stopped my hand immediately and I try to stay silent .

" Are you in here ? I thought heard your voice ..." He enters the bathroom but ... He doesn't seem to o be affected by my heat . " Levi? "

Actually , this might be my only chance to get out of the hospital . So as much as I don't want Erwin to see me like this , I manage to pull up my pants and unlock the stall , weakly clinging to the metal doorknob .

"Yeah. Hi Erwin ."



He's here ! I finally get to see him again , well , while completely conscious .

...He is heavily panting and sweating . He's in heat . Luckily , the medicine they gave me is numbing my senses and I can't smell anything . I pick him up in my arms and he immediately clings to my neck without hesitation letting the scent of an alpha calm him down .

By the time we reach my house , he's already asleep . I carefully place his slender body on my bed and cover him with a fuzzy blanket .

"Goodnight , Levi ." I guess I'll just sleep on the couch .

"Don't go ... Stay with me ." I can tell that the heat didn't subside yet . The best thing to do is to stay by his side .

I lay down next to him , covering myself in other the same blanket . He wraps his body around me and buries his face in my chest .

I could sleep like this every day.

So we finally met again. My heart is beating like crazy thinking that right now I'm holding Levi in my arms . This time I'll make the right choices . This time I won't leave . This time I'll make sure we'll be together .

" I love you , Levi ."

" Me too ."

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