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I've been an outcast for just over six years now.

Ever since I was eleven.

I deserve it though.

The bruises scattered across my back and chest remind me everyday.

The shouts every evening tell me.

The sound of a fist hitting my limp body shows me.

And then I sit on my bedroom floor, alone and empty as my brain fills with the words that my dad chants at me so often:





I bring my head up to my knees and cry silently, hiding from the world.

The full body mirror in front of me displays the pain in my eyes, and the mark that brought me only sadness.

The mark I associate with all my anger and grief towards my mum's death.

The mark which has made me end up alone in my bedroom on a Friday night, beat up and soaking my own clothes with the tears I silently shed.

The world did this to me.


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