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July 18, 2006

Wondering was a very dangerous thing. One could wonder far too often and let their thoughts wander far too yonder. A wonder Jimin had is how life actually worked. He believed that he could see everything in his eyesight, but once taking his eyes away from a certain spot, that spot disappears every time. Behind him doesn't exist; What's in front of him is what exists. Jimin loved staring at pretty things because he didn't like thinking of pretty things disappearing. He also sketched pretty things into his mind so he wouldn't forget pretty things. So he wouldn't lose pretty things.

So Jimin thought about Yoongi quite often.

One might think it's rather odd that Jimin took a great liking towards Yoongi rather quickly while not exchanging a single word with the male, but silence speaks much more loudly than sound itself. Eyes speak the words a mouth could never fully explain, and while Jimin knew for a fact that he could at least try starting a quiet conversation with the man, he'd rather get lost in his droopy chocolate eyes that sparkled with beauty.

"Hurry, hurry, hurry! Hurry up, he's leaving!" Jin exclaimed at the door as Jimin arrived to the library on his bike early in the morning. Jimin's eyes widened and he quickly got off his bike, removing his helmet and dropping it to the ground along with his bike as he hurried into the building while carrying his bag.

Jimin entered and looked around swiftly before making his way over to a shelf and peering around it, seeing Yoongi standing next to another shelf and reading another book. He stood with his lips in a pout as his eyes scanned over the words on the page, eyebrows furrowed yet features calm and soft.

Yoongi reminded Jimin of the moon. Yoongi had quite a mysterious aura to him but that's what attracted Jimin the most. He was beautiful, a precious gem. He seemed so delicate and bright, yet so dark and peaceful. His pristine, clear skin had Jimin staring in awe, it looked so soft. He glowed in the faint sunlight that came through the windows, but he reflected moonlight. The sun blinds one, but the moon guides one. Jimin believed Yoongi was special.

Yoongi was dressed in a grey knitted sweater today, with black jeans and black leather boots. His skin was still honey colored, and his cheeks held a tint of pink; Probably from the warmth of outside. His lips were chapped, and eyes seemed droopy but in a way where he seemed wise.

Yoongi was gorgeous.

Jimin smiled and sighed, leaning against the shelf and biting his lip before making eye contact with Jin. "Hyung, how do I look?"

Jin's eyes widened. "Did someone xerox your face in black and white?" Jin gasped in exaggeration. "Freaking pale, touch up those lips."

Jimin's eyes widened and he took out a hand held mirror from his bag, opening it and grimacing when seeing his appearance. He took out his favorite lipgloss and puckered out his lips, applying a coating and smiling when seeing his lips look much more pink and plump. He pouted at Jin and Jin held up a thumbs up but when Jimin turned to look at Yoongi, Jin grimaced and rolled his eyes. God help this boy, Jin thought.

They headed towards the front desk right on time so Jimin could check out Yoongi's book. As Yoongi walked towards him, Jimin fixed his hair and rearranged a few sheets on the desk to make it look neater. Yoongi with a smile handed Jimin the previous book he had checked out the last time they met and was about to speak up but Jimin took the book and threw it to the side while still staring at Yoongi awkwardly as if he were starstruck. Yoongi raised an eyebrow but made no comment.

Yoongi placed down another book in front of Jimin, Someone Like You. He had glanced through pages while browsing through the shelves and found the book to be intriguing, and he wanted to read more of it. He wrote down his name on the check-out card then slid the book further towards Jimin.

Jimin grabbed the book and smiled softly, his gaze flickering over the hard cover. He stamped the book with today's date and bit his lip. Yoongi had such a good taste in books, and that's another reason on why he had such an enormous crush on this handsome man. He was the definition of perfect in his book. He wish he could ask him out or something... But there was a slight problem.

An alarm going off cut Jimin's thoughts short and he looked around but then realized it was his phone right next to him going off. Yoongi was staring at Jimin's phone, eyebrows furrowed. Jimin looked at the screen and eyes widened, the phone displaying an incoming call from 'Darling ❤️.'

Jimin quickly covered up his phone with his hand in hopes of turning Yoongi's attention away from the phone but Yoongi continued staring down which confused Jimin. He then glanced down and realized Yoongi was staring at Jimin's hand which of course happened to be the hand that displayed his engagement ring.

Jimin blushed fiercely and snatched his phone away, placing both of his hands behind his back and swaying back and forth on his feet, his nerves kicking in. Jimin then picked up Yoongi's book and held it in front of his face, breaking the stare Yoongi had on him.

Yoongi pushed the book slightly to give a final glance to Jimin before grabbing the book out of his hold, looking down at the ground and turning on his heel, leaving the library.

Jimin's hand was still in the air from handing Yoongi his book and he had his eyes closed, regret and disappointment shown on his face as he grimaced to himself for being stupid. Jin stood behind Jimin now and spoke up. "You surely are cursed, maybe that's what happens to people who prefer tea over coffee."

Jimin turned to look at the boy and rolled his eyes, banging his head against the desk repeatedly and sighing.

So dumb.


"It doesn't matter who you are or what you look like, so long as somebody loves you."  ~ Roald Dahl, The Witches; Someone Like You .

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