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November 1, 2007

A full year has passed by, and Jimin has learned a lot of things about the couple that seemingly visited the library at least once a month. Yoongi's boyfriend was named Jung Hoseok, worked as a business man and was extremely intelligent along with being extremely rich. He has a bachelor's degree, is known for being extremely athletic and buff, and made anyone around him smile. He was literally the human version of sunshine.

Jimin despised Hoseok. He had one thing Jimin had always wanted in life, and that was perfection.

Jimin thought he would move on from this silly crush he had on Yoongi after seeing him with Hoseok over and over again, but that just made his love for Yoongi grow even more.

Yoongi and Hoseok were now in the library, heading towards the front desk with fingers interlocked. Yoongi placed the book down in front of Jimin and Jimin read the title of the book; Getting Married.

Of course, Jimin also didn't miss the new engagement ring that was twinkling on Yoongi's ring finger. Of fucking course. Jimin wouldn't dare miss that.

Jimin handed the book back to Yoongi after stamping the date and once Yoongi and Hoseok commenced to leave the building, Jimin and Jin peered over the desk and watched them go, both cringing.

"So weird, is he the son of Shakespeare?" Jin asked. "Who the fuck takes people out on dates to the library? Rather weird... Rather boring."

Jin looked down at Jimin and saw the boy frowning, eyes still staring at the door. Jin pursed his lips. "Look, I guarantee you that they'll be over in a few months." He said.

9 Months Later

Hoseok was carrying a fucking baby in his arms.

Jimin turned to Jin, glaring at the elder. Jin stared ahead at the baby and gulped, giving a timid yet cringed smile. He turned around and went back onto his computer, shaking his head in disbelief.

Jimin huffed, seeing Hoseok walk over to Yoongi and Yoongi cooing at the sleeping baby in the sling that Hoseok had wrapped around his arm. Jimin learned that for the longest time, they had tried to adopt a baby of their own and now they have. The baby was adorable, but all Jimin could do was scowl.

Jimin turned and helped Jin out with something on the computer and then Jin looked up, seeing another man standing near a shelf with a book opened in his hands. He was tall, slim yet built, and his jawline was sharp. His dirty blonde hair was ruffled about and his eyebrows were furrowed as his eyes scanned the pages.

Jin looked up at Jimin with a smirk. "Watch and learn." He said, fixing his glasses before standing up and walking over to the man. Jimin watched in confusion but then rolled his eyes.

"Hello sir, what's your name?" Jin asked sweetly, leaning against the book shelf. The man looked up from having his head in the book and smiled timidly. "Kim Namjoon."

Jin hummed, looking at the book Namjoon had in his hands. "Finding everything okay?" Namjoon nodded and then Jin gasped. "Oh, what's that on your shoe?" Jin asked. Namjoon furrowed his eyebrows in confusion and bent his knee, bringing up each of his feet from behind him as he tried looking down at his shoes over his shoulder. Jin turned to look at Jimin from afar and mouthed "He's definitely gay."

Jimin snickered quietly, shaking his head with a smile. Jimin then saw Yoongi carrying the baby in his arms and realized just how fast time flies by.

Time flies by rather quickly in people's lives, but no one seems to mind it until that moment.

Like right now.

2 Years Later

In the blink of an eye, Hoseok now had a toddler in his arms, Yoongi keeping a hand on the man's waist as they walked towards the kid's area in the back of the library where they knew the little girl would love to be. Yoongi gave Jimin a quick glance and flashed him a warm smile to which Jimin returned, but the small pang of hurt was still in his chest.

Jin on the other hand was leaning against a book shelf with Namjoon clinging to his side as they read through a book together. "I adore the smell of old books." Jin explained and Namjoon hummed, leaning his head on the older boy's shoulder. "You smell like old books." Namjoon said and Jin raised an eyebrow.

"I smell like old books you say?" Jin asked, lifting his head up to give access so Namjoon could smell the scent of his neck. Namjoon sniffed the boy's neck then kissed it sweetly, leaving small kisses up until Jin's ear where Namjoon whispered. "I love that smell as well."

Jin blushed madly and smacked Namjoon's arm. "Stop it, we're in public." He said, flustered.

Jimin smiled with fondness at the pair then looked down with pursed lips, deciding to continue his work on the computer.

Meanwhile in the kid's area, Yoongi had the little girl in his lap as he held onto a book, pointing at a picture of sheep. "Four," he spoke, pointing at the four sheep individually on the page. The little girl stared at the pages in front of her, lips pouted as she pointed at the sheep, mimicking her father.

Yoongi glanced at Hoseok who was sat across from the pair, legs crossed and fingers typing away on his touch screen phone. Yoongi gulped, licking his lips as he stared at his husband from a far. Something about Hoseok being on his phone constantly made Yoongi a bit anxious but Yoongi never felt the need to look through his phone because he trusts this man and he knows he shouldn't have to worry about anything.. But his gut said otherwise.

Yoongi despised rejection, and over the past couple of years, Yoongi had been suffering from great rejection from someone he had laid his eyes upon. The only problem is that he didn't know the other person felt the same way.

Hoseok's phone started ringing while he was typing and he slowly got up, answering the call while walking away and leaving Yoongi with their daughter in the small area. Yoongi frowned and looked down at the little girl in his lap, his anxiety rising little by little. He leaned down and kissed his daughter's forehead as she started whining and flipped the page in the book. "Those are shoes. Five shoes, one, two, three, four, five..."

Yoongi let her daughter babble nonsense as she grabbed onto his finger, tongue sticking out and incoherent words spilling from her mouth. Yoongi gave her a small smile and then sighed to himself, wondering what the future would bring.

The future is a rather scary thing, Yoongi thought.

"Your story is what you have, what you will always have. It is something to own." ~ Michelle Obama, Becoming .

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