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July 1, 2006.

A posted note was placed next to the book Jimin held open in his hands. He gave it a side glance and pursed his lips, standing up straight and nodding whilst grabbing the note and walking around the counter, towards the endless brown and dusted shelves that stood high.

Jimin didn't mind his job as a librarian. He grew to loving the job, loving to have the opportunity to memorize as many books as possible in this book temple. He enjoyed the quiet atmosphere, the way no one could disturb him and just let his mind wander and let him be in his own little world.

Books brought peace to this boy. He loved reading and each story held meaning to him. No matter the genre or ending, Jimin enjoyed almost every single book he has read in his life. He felt refreshed every time he read, and he felt calm every time he got to walk through these pathways built by dusty book shelves.

As he searched through the isles, he felt the presence of the male behind him, following closely. They passed a sign with the words 'Quiet Please' in bold and then took a right turn. Jimin sighed to himself, clicking his tongue once he figured that he found the right shelf and pulled back the glass door. He placed his hand against the books, sliding his slim fingers against the creases of each book and then wrapping them around one book in particular; A Midsummer Night's Dream.

Jimin looked down at the book in his hands and nodded to himself, handing it to the man in front of him. He then realized that he never even looked up at the guy and then did so. His breath hitched.

In front of him was a man, his gaze bright and his eyes twinkling from the lighting around them. His skin was a smooth, honey colored paradise and he wore a white turtle neck with a long black coat and black trousers. He was looking down at the book Jimin had given him and then looked back up to lock eyes with the younger boy, smiling brightly, his eyes becoming crescent moons and his nose crinkling.

Jimin believed this was probably the most marvelous man he has ever laid his eyes upon.

The man nodded towards the book in his hands and Jimin motioned for the man to follow him once again towards the previous front desk that Jimin was reading a book at. Jimin smiled to himself as he took gentle strides, pulling on the front of his cardigan.

As Jimin arrived to the desk, he patted the back of his friend's shoulder who was sitting in front of the computer, checking through his social media news feed. The boy looked up at Jimin and Jimin smiled lightly and spoke in a whisper. "Hyung, mind checking this item for me?"

His hyung was Seokjin, and he was a beautiful boy but rather a proud geek. He was extremely intelligent and a bit outgoing, but that's what Jimin loved the most about him. Jin was far too good looking to be working at a place like this, and Jimin knew that every female who stepped foot in this building would just swoon over him. Too bad he's gay.

Jin pushed up his glasses and turned around to see the man who wanted to check out the book then glanced back up to Jimin, raising an eyebrow with a smirk. Jin took out the lollipop he had in his mouth and handed it to Jimin to which Jimin grimaced in response but sat down in the older boy's seat once he stood up and walked over to the man.

"Hello," Jin spoke. "Do you have a library card?" The man tilted his head to the side, eyes droopy and a pout forming on his lips. "No, I don't." He responded. Jin nodded with a smile, handing him a yellow sheet. "Please fill out this form. Also, may I have your ID, please?"

The man nodded and handed Jin his ID to which Jin took with a smirk and walked over to Jimin. "I can't tell you whether he's gay or not, but if he is then it's a shame that he's far too short for me. He's better for you though." Jin snickered and Jimin slapped his chest then shoved his lollipop towards him again.

Jimin stood up and let Jin put the information into the computer. In that moment, Jimin took the sheet from the man and pushed the book towards him to which he pulled out the checkout card from the card pocket and filled out his name in smooth manuscript; Min Yoongi.

Jimin looked up at the man and sounded out his name in his head. Yoongi, what a beautiful name. Fits this beautiful man.

Yoongi clicked the pen and looked up at Jimin who was already looking at him. They awkwardly glanced away from each other and Jimin bit down on his lip, tapping his fingers lightly against the wooden table.

Jin luckily broke the rather awkward mood by walking up next to Jimin and smiling at Yoongi. "Here is your card."

Yoongi said his thank you and then took the book that Jimin was handing to him, and Yoongi stared into his eyes, a mysterious glint being held. He seemed as if he wanted to say something to Jimin, but Jin spoke up before he could. "A lollipop too?" Jin held up a lollipop and Jimin blushed, turning towards Jin and glaring at the boy. Yoongi lifted an eyebrow, a confused yet polite smile on his face.

"No thank you.." Yoongi said, holding up a hand but then bowing politely and giving a final glance to Jimin before turning around and leaving the library.

Jimin and Jin both watched as the male left and once he walked out of the building, Jin sighed dramatically and placed his chin on Jimin's shoulder. "So gorgeous! You may never see him again, why didn't you ask him for his number?" He asked.

Jimin turned to look at Jin, a smirk on his face. "He has to return the book, right?" Jin giggled, patting Jimin on the back and sucking on his lollipop with a smile. Jimin smiled to himself, goodness gracious was Min Yoongi handsome.


"I'll follow you and make a heaven out of hell, and I'll die by your hand, which I love so well." ~ William Shakespeare, A Midsummer Night's Dream .

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