Chapter 1

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Yet I believe the moon understands what it means to be human. Uncertain. Alone. Created by imperfections.  


A quiet night was broken by the vibrating buzzes of a phone. Caspar groans and reluctantly opens one eye. At first everything is blurry and hazy. But as he blinks the room starts to clear. He reaches over to the nightstand and picks up the phone touching the screen. The bright light hurts his eyes as he quickly lowers the brightness. It takes a few moments for his eyes to adjust to seeing words.

'are you free right now'

It was his friend, November. "What could she be up to?" he mumbles as he sits up in his bed. He rubs his eyes before looking back at the phone. He started to respond to her.

                                                              'Yeah, what's up?'

                                                 'im at the park. wanna hang"

Caspar looks at the top corner of his phone, it was three in the morning. He sits there for a solid minute, debating with himself whether to go and lose sleep or to go back to sleep and face her in the morning. He sighs and responds,

                                     'Yeah I'll be there in a few. Stay there.'

He gets up carefully not wanting to wake up with his mom. Especially right now. He puts on his mustard color sweater and puts on his blue jeans. He picks up his beat up white converses and open his window. He cautiously climbs out and down the house. He slips on his shoes and heads to his bike.

The night was cold, but refreshing. The moon's light made everything visible and yet look mysterious. The stars were visible that night, each twinkling bright. Caspar mounts his bike and pedals off toward the neighborhood park. The air brush against his face, his brown hair gently moves as he races to the park. No other life around at this time.

November was at the park swinging gently, her feet barely leaving the ground. She checks her phone and sees Caspar's message. She didn't mean to end up over here, but she didn't know where-else to go. She tugs on the sleeves of her grey and black varsity jacket. Her pale skin especially is almost radiating in the moonlight. Little noises alert her attention, she sits up quickly almost startled. She relaxes once she sees that it was just Caspar, giving a small smile.

"Hey you made it here alive," she said giggling a bit. "I didn't wake you did I?"

Caspar rolled his eyes, "Nah I was awake anyways. So why you here at the park? Is it home again?"

November shakes her head at first, but then reluctantly nods. "Sorry for bothering you I just didn't want to be alone."

Caspar sets his bike down on the ground and walks over to her. He ruffled her hair, he likes how soft the midnight strands were. "Hey I told you I was awake. You weren't bothering me."

November nods and smiles, "Want something to drink?", she asks as she reaches into a worn backpack.

Caspar nodded, "Yeah I do, I have a feeling that we're gonna be here awhile." he remarks and sits on the swing next to her.

She tosses him a strawberry fizz drink, "Sorry again. So what shall we do?"

He catches the drink and shrugs, "We could ride around on our bikes-"

"About that. . .I crashed my bike on the way here. . .", she says casually.

Caspar jump straight up and lands on his feet. He drops the drink and moves to November holding her shoulders, "What?! Are you okay?! What happened?!"

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