Chapter 5

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The sun was still high in the afternoon sky, casting a light of every object giving them a warm glow. Of course, November had to go and put on sunglasses.

"It's too bright outside how the hell can you be out and about at this time of day?" She asked crossing her arms and slumped in her seat.

"Well unlike you not everyone is a vampire who hates the sun." He chuckled.

"The light burns and is too bright for my delicate eyes"

"November if you had your way everything would be done at night."

"Well, why can't it be? Why can't we just do things at night so that way we don't have to be at the mercy of the sun?"

"Because most people are awake and the sun is natural light that allows us to do things that we can't do at night."

"Pfft. Lousy ancestors needed light to do things." She said jokingly.

Caspar laughed and pats her head, "My poor vampire." he said playfully.

Raven rolled her eyes and looked out the car window. "Where are we going?"

"Well, we need to stop by the store first and get some stuff." He said and pulled into a WalMart parking lot.

"What do you need to get?"

"You'll see just let's just get the stuff. The sooner we get the items the sooner you can see what we're gonna do." He said getting a shopping cart and going inside.

Raven shrugged and went inside the store, she felt cold once she went through the doors. A chill ran down her spine as she walked over to Caspar. She didn't go to WalMart very often, it was always too bright and crowded. There is only so much human interaction she can take, but being here with Caspar makes it more bearable. She managed to catch up with him and got in the cart. He looked at her raising a brow.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm chilling in a cart"

"I can see that. . . why are you chilling in a cart?"

"Because I can fucker."


"I never had the chance to go in the cart when I was little, it looks fun. Just bury me in all the things we're gonna get." She said happily

Caspar shook his head and chuckled a bit, "alright then so first stop blankets." he said and pushed the cart to the home goods section.

Caspar grabbed a couple of fleece blankets and cozy blankets tossing them on top of her. "Cozy?"

"Very. What are these for?" She asked covering herself in them.

"You'll see." He asked and pushed her to the home decor section and gets some string lights, he tossed in some purple, black, white and red lights. Some were shaped like stars others were just round bulbs. He then pushed her to the food section and gets chips, candies, pocky, some bottled teas, and sandwich stuff. He backtracked and got a mini cooler and ice. After all this November was buried under all kinds of items. He pays then takes her out to the parking lot to put the items in the car. November looked around the lot as she waited to be unburied, she could see that the parking lot was mostly empty and some pigeons walking around looking pretty derpy.

"That's me." She said pointing at one.

"Don't you mean to say 'that's you' or something?"

"Nah, that derpy pigeon is me."

"Not even you're more of a graceful swan."

She busted out laughing, "Nothing about me is graceful, let me be the pigeon."

He sighed, "Fine you're a pigeon."

"Thank you."

Soon the car was loaded up and November managed to get out of the cart without injuring herself. Caspar put the cart away and unlocked the car door for them. They got into the car, Caspar buckled up like a good boy and November not even bothering to attempt to put her seat belt on. Caspar shook his head a little and drive off again.

"Where are we going now?" She asked.

"You'll see when we get there."

Author's Note:

I'm so sorry for not updating and for this update being short. Home life and school life are just killing me. I haven't had a chance to just sit an write.

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