Chapter 3

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I don't get lonely . . .


November had been feeling down lately, more than usual. She just came back home, it was a small house two streets behind Caspar's house. She tried to avoid her parents, hoping they wouldn't notice that her bike was missing. Even though the bike wasn't from them they take control of everything thinking that since they're the parent that they own everything, although November paid for most of her items. She had also hoped that they hadn't noticed that she was gone last night, they don't exactly understand why she needs her midnight rides.

Once she made it to her room she believed that it was safe. November sighed and laid on her bed. The room was small, the walls a faded white which were covered in drawings and pictures. There was a dresser covered with makeup, jewelry and a couple of band-aids. Her bed was off in the corner surrounded by little string lights that gave off a warm yellow glow. Her window was in the middle of the wall facing their backyard. The window was her usual escape route since she was ten years old. As she walked over to the window to let in some air she noticed that it wouldn't open. Upon carefully examining the window she discovered that it had been nailed down.

A chill ran down her spine and walked to her door quickly locking it. She got on her bed and put on her black headphones. She plugged it into an old portable CD player. It was a bit beaten up, the black paint was peeling in some areas causing the gray metal to show. November leaned over to the side of the bed and picked up a brown cardboard box. She started to rummage through the box, moving a couple of albums aside looking for a specific album. After a few minutes, she found the VARSITY album. She leaned over to the nightstand and opened the drawer pulling out a sketchbook covered in stickers and doodles taped onto the cover. She grabbed a mechanical pencil and eraser.

November popped opened the CD player and put in the CD. She waited for the disc to load before pressing play. She opened the sketchbook, flipping through the pages looking for a blank space. After sketching an image of a guy sitting on a rooftop she gets up and walked over to her closet. She pulled out an electric kettle and a water bottle. She plugged in the electric kettle and adds the water. She then gets out an instant cup of soup and some disposable chopsticks. As she waited for the water to heat up she pulled out her laptop, it was a medium sized one, however it was an older model still containing a CD/ DVD slot, it was covered in band stickers and more taped on doodles. She turned it on and typed in her password. She reached over to get the cardboard box and looked through it for a DVD. She picks out a Disney film and put it in waiting for the media player to load. She plugged in her headphones and clicked on the main menu so she could click play. She noticed the kettle was steaming and scooted over to it. She opened the cup of soup and poured in the water and covered the soup and set down the chopsticks on the lid.

November checked her phone to see if she had gotten any messages. She kind of wanted to talk to Caspar again, her folks, well her father didn't like Caspar. Her father didn't seem to like any friend she managed to make. He never liked anything November did. Caspar was different than her past friends however, he didn't enable her self-destructive behavior. In fact, it seemed that he tried to prevent that behavior most of the times, Caspar just seemed to care for her better than her father. But sadly there were no messages, maybe he was grounded or maybe his phone is just dead. She just sighed and went on with what she was doing.

Once three minutes were up she grabbed the chopsticks and stirred the noodles. She pressed play on the movie and leaned against her bed. This was what she typically did, her routine anytime she was home. She locked herself away in her room hoping to avoid her father's drunken rants and to steer clear of her mother. Her mother isn't bad but sometimes it just feels like she doesn't acknowledge November's existence. Maybe it's for the best because most of the time she does get acknowledge by her, her Father always seem to get angrier. Despite that November liked being around her mom when her father isn't home. When he's not home mom acknowledges her and they bond over little things. Lately though they haven't had much time alone anymore. But November doesn't get lonely, of course she doesn't she's been doing this for as long as she could remember. Just distract herself until she goes to sleep and then repeat.

But things have changed. Her usual means of escape has been taken from her. She didn't know why all of a sudden. Was it her mom? No, yes she doesn't acknowledge her but she was the one who encouraged her escape. It had to be her father, any happiness in this house was always quickly snuffed. But why now? He never cared before, he never gave a shit where she went before. Did he want to make her more lonely? I don't get lonely, she kept telling herself that.  

 Soon after the movie ended, November stood up and stretched. She threw away her trash and used the remaining water to make some coffee. She had a stash of mugs in the closet as well and grabbed one along with instant coffee and sugar. She poured the rest of the water into the mug and added the coffee and sugar. She drank her coffee straight black most of the times, although whenever Caspar takes her to a diner she liked using the flavored creamers in her coffee. It is the only time she could get them since they don't charge you extra for flavor creamers. A smiled went across her face thinking about the warm diner with delicious greasy foods and being with Caspar. The smile quickly faded as November sighed a bit, feeling alone. Not lonely, she never felt lonely but she did feel alone a lot even at school surrounded by students and teachers. The only time she didn't feel alone was when she was around her mom and Caspar. She didn't mind being alone most of the time.

Hours seemed to pass her by as she binged more Disney movies and continued to work on her sketch, sure November gets distracted a lot but she always focused on her sketches making sure that she finished every last one. She wanted to leave the house but it was already dark and her window was nailed down. November knew that she couldn't just sneak out from the back door, her father always ends up staying up well into the morning in the living room watching tv. She didn't dare risk waking up her mom, she knew that mom needed her sleep. November felt trapped not being able to leave tonight for her midnight escapades. She was about to just to lay in bed and listen to music, she felt her phone vibrate next to her. She picked it up and saw:

'Hey. Sorry I was busy getting chewed out by the Witch. You up?'

November couldn't help but smile at his message. He normally never calls his mom the Witch, unless she made him upset. Wonder what she did this time to upset him? Oh well it doesn't matter hell eventually tell her.  She felt a sense of joy seeing that he didn't forget her. She texted back:

'ya im up. you wanna call'

She was expecting him to reply soon so that way she could call him, that was the usual set up. But unexpectedly he was the one to call. She picked it up and answered the phone. It felt nice to hear his voice she didn't feel as trapped anymore. They stayed up till dawn talking about just random thoughts and what made the Witch mad. Eventually they both passed out while on the phone. 


Every time I think I'm alone in the world, You show up and remind me that I have you.

Author's Note: Sorry for a short chapter this week I have a lot of homework to do.

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