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A battered looking black tom limps past a twoleg place with a forest beside him.

She's strong, the black tom thought as he steadily moves past the twoleg place, but I'm stronger. He paused looking at the moon, then the stars.

"I'm almost there." He mewed aloud. I should stop, to rest. He decided, just for a little while. He sat down near a light, and started cleaning his wounds.

"Xach? What are you doing here?" A cold voice asks in front of the black tom.

Between licks, Xach answers calmly, "Same as you I'm sure Peter. Why don't you go back to your clan? Or are you too scared to?"

"Leave now." The blind tom growled, standing into the light, "And don't come back."

Xach turned to face Peter, "Why don't you take this to your CedarClan." He spat, "If I find them plotting against me, I'll kill them single-pawed."

"Oh?" Peter said jokingly, flicking his tail in amusement, "You, a rouge, thinks that he could kill a whole clan?"

Xach gently put down his paw and threateningly leaned closer to Peter. "Yes." he growled, baring his teeth, "I've done it before and I can do it again."

The flecked white tom pinned his ears back with fear.

"Leave you ask, leave you get." Xach said begrudgingly, standing up. "But, put one paw against me, you're as good as dead."

He turned back around, looked at the moon and stars again, and walked in a slightly different direction from where he was going.

"Great StarClan" Peter said, his blind eyes looking at the stars. "What does this mean for the clans and I?"

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