Chapter 7

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Ra watched as the patrol trotted hurriedly to the entrance to rescue Flamepaw and Mothheart, closely followed by Cedarpaw. She was pretty worried for Flamepaw as she was the one who brought Ra here and helped Cedarpaw take care of her.

"You worried for Flamepaw?" Creekheart asks.

Turning, the red and white she-cat nodded and mewed, "Yeah. Do you think that she's okay?"

Creekheart chuckled a little before answering, "Yes. I'm sure that she is just fine. Don't worry about her."

The medicine cat's words calmed down Ra a lot, but she wasn't quite done with questions, especially with the Clans.

"So, what do you do when leaf-bare comes? Do you have little baskets to keep you guys warm?"

Creekheart's tail tip twitched in delight as he talked about his Clan. Ra listened intently to her answered questions and other, more interesting questions that she didn't dare ask in fear of striking a wrong nerve.

Ra was so intrigued by his stories that she didn't hear Falconstar stalking up to them also listening, though with a bemused face. "Teaching the kittypet about the Clans huh?" Falconstar mewed, smiling.

Creekheart stopped talking abruptly, obviously embarrassed to be caught by the leader. Falconstar just chuckled and twitched her tail in pleasure. "Continue on," the tortoiseshell said staring pointedly at Ra, "Maybe she'll become one of us, Clan cats." She then walked out of the tunnels into the blinding sunlight.

A/N: This is a filler chapter and is only here because I'm keeping a pattern of Ra, then Flamepaw, and finally, Cedarpaw. Don't worry, I really wanted to write Flamepaw's part, but, yet again, I was on a little pattern, so sorry.

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