Chapter 4

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Ra woke up in a dark room with lots of what seems to be moss and the sweet and tangy smell of twoleg medicine.

  Where am I? She thought as she looked around. She saw a little crack leading to what she thinks is another room on Ra's left and a large cave opening on her right leading outside the den.

   The red and white she-cat tried to stand up, but almost immedia-tely fell back down in a poof of dust. Coughing, she waved away the dust and looked through watering eyes at white bandages covering her wounds.

   Well, here are twoleg things, but where are the twolegs? Ra thought. She did a second scan around the room and this time she saw a slim bodied she-cat standing in the doorway.

   This time, she tried to stand up because of the tortoiseshell, but as before, she ungracefully fell in a smaller poof of dust.

    The she-cat let out a chuckle and mewed, "Creekheart, your patient's up."

    "Who?" another voice, a she-cat's she realized, answered, "Are you talking about the she-cat? Because if you are, then Creekheart is out. He's looking for some more cobwebs and goldenrod, I used a bit to much last sunrise."

   Ra looked at where the new voice came from and saw a ticked reddish brown she-cat appearing from the crack in the doorway. The new cat noticed Ra and suddenly dashed to her side, causing Ra to flinch in surprise.

   "Calm down, kittypet." The she-cat said in an annoyed tone, "I'm not going to hurt you. At least, not meaningfully."

    Though the she-cat said that last part more kindly than earlier, it still sent shivers down Ra's spine. The red and white she-cat watched as the ticked reddish brown tabby skillfully redressed the twoleg bandages.

   "How can you do that?" Ra croaked from thirst.

    The she-cat jumped then, regaining her composure, she mewed kindly, "I'll answer that later, but for now you need some water." She turned toward the first she-cat and asked, respectfully to get an apprentice real quick and ask them to get some moss.

   The first she-cat nodded, turned to Ra, and mewed, "My name is Falconstar from FoxClan. You might be stuck here for a little while because of your wounds, but we hope you'll get better soon."

     The she-cat about faced and went to get an 'apprentice' for some moss.

     Ra stared at where Falconstar just left and said to no one in particular, "FoxClan? When did I enter their territory?"

     "Whenever Flamepaw, Beeflower, Dawnpaw, Mothheart, and Falconstripe found you seemingly dead," the she-cat answered. "You were lucky that the dusk patrol found you before you lost to much blood."

    This fact silenced Ra as she thought about what happened after she blacked out. Small, extremely dark memories popped up in her mind, and she saw herself moving across the ground floor seemingly in midair, a ginger tabby looking at her with wide amber eyes, and yet another with a ticked reddish brown tabby vigorously licking her in an effort to get dirt and other things away from her wounds.

   "Was that you?" Ra croaked as she looked up at the she-cat, "Were you cleaning my wounds as though I'm..." She trailed off, looking for words without offending the clan.

      "One of you?" She finished Ra's sentence playfully, "Yeah I did. It's a silly thing that medicine cats do."

     Ra's ears perked up in interest, then stared at the bandages, no cobwebs, and asked the she-cat "Will they be completely healed?"

     "If what you mean is no scars, then no, sorry," the she-cat said bluntly.

      "Sorry for interrupting you two," a muffled voice said, "Cedarpaw, you said you needed some wet moss?"

       Ra and the ticked tabby whipped around and saw a small ginger tabby standing confidently in the cave opening.

     "Nice to see you too, Flamepaw."

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