Chapter 1

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Ra's pain was unbearable. How could cats live through this? She thought, They fight for who knows what and they somehow make it out alive.

The red and white she-cat panted as she limped painfully through a thick forest, struggling to stay awake.

"Stay awake Ra, come on," Ra hissed to herself.

"Think of something else... What do the clans do? Well, they hunt and kill and fight and - Yaa!" Ra yelped as she stumbled over a bramble tendril, she stood up shakily and licked her paw. She soon continued on.

Sounding almost drunk with dizziness, she said, "What else do the clans do? I think they heal each other.. but do they kill intru -- mmph!"

Tripping over her own paw, Ra fell flat on her face, yet she didn't feel the pain. As she began to 'sleep', she sees a small group of cats rushing towards her.

They look angry. She thought sleepily. She struggled to get up as they came, but she fell over again.

Save me, Ra thought as she blacked out.

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