Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

So Caroline spent the next few days enjoying her new home. Janet put out bowls for food and water in the kitchen, and set up a kitty litter box in a sheltered spot near the back door.

Caroline would go from room to room, exploring, and return to her perch on the bookshelf, whenever she felt like napping, or just relaxing.

Janet kept her apartment tidy, but one day she spent the entire morning doing more cleaning and dusting than usual. She didn’t seem as calm as she normally was, and looked up to see Caroline watching her.

“Oh Caroline, I’m not looking forward to this. My bossy older sister Phyllis has invited herself to visit me for the next few days. She didn’t even ask if I might have had other plans. Typical Phyllis!”

Caroline didn’t like seeing her new owner in this tense mood. Not only did she feel bad for Janet, but her lack of calmness spread thruout the apartment, giving Caroline hints of the feeling that would cause her to turn invisible, if the feeling got too strong. Tho Caroline knew that eventually something would come up to cause her to get anxious enough to trigger off turning invisible, she’d hoped it would be after she and Janet were firmly settled into a routine. She’d hoped by then, she’d figure out a way for Janet to not notice that she didn’t seem to be present, or at least Caroline would be so established in the household, so that Janet wouldn’t consider getting rid of her.

But Caroline started to feel as uneasy as Janet, about Phyllis’s impending visit.

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