Chapter 30: Rescuing Sam.

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Danny's Team Phantom faction has arrived at the southern part of the city. Upon arriving, they see that the whole area is covered in vines, people with vines connected to their necks, and others in multiple pods.

"What the heck? What are these things?" Scott asked, creep out by the pods.

"They are plant pods use by Undergrowth to capture people and feed them to the plants and pods." Danny replied.

"Sounds nuts." Scott said.

"Barely met the ghost, but what's up with this Undergrowth character?" Clint asked.

"He's a plant ghost who wants to destroy humanity for their destruction over nature. Undergrowth regards plants over all life. To him, they are his 'children'. He sees Humans as fragile, temporary lives that won't last long and has no purpose in life, except to do his dirty work. However, he does show some respect to Humans who want to help nature, such as Sam, which is why he mind controlled her again. He is also very proud of his own power, especially regeneration." Danny replied.

"Sounds like a real nut job." Clint said.

"Actually, more like a fruitloop like Plasmius." Danny said.

"What's the plan, Danny?" Wanda asked.

"Okay, Wanda, before I can get you to reverse the affects from Dan's Universal Gauntlet to free Sam from Undergrowth's control, you'll have to reverse the affects on the people he has control off first." Danny said.

"Okay, Danny." Wanda said.

"Grabacr, Ragnar, do you have any ghost ice or fire powers by any chance? I don't know if you Asgardian ghosts or others from other dimensional planes of the Ghost Zone have those type of ghost powers." Danny asked.

"Yes, Phantom. We have ghost ice and fire powers." Grabacr replied as Ragnar and himself shows off their ghost ice and fire.

"Excellent, then you will help Steve and Clint to take care of any plants that try to attack us. Steve, Clint normal attacks won't stop them. You have to expose them to extreme heat or cold, so you all have to find a way. Ragnar and Grabacr can't do it by themselves. I'll also send some duplicates to help as well." Danny said.

"All right, Danny." Steve said.

"You know, we haven't seen you use that duplication power of yours in a long time." Clint said.

"Yeah, that's because ever since I got my Asgardian ghost powers, I haven't used my duplication powers too much, like in New York. Time to get that power back to frequent use." Danny said. "Anyway, Scott, remember during the airport battle when you turn into a giant to make a big diversion so that Steve, Barnes and I can escape?" Danny asked.

"Yeah." Scott replied.

"You think you can turn into Giant-Man again?" Danny asked.

"I can, but like I said before, I can't hold it very long." Scott said.

"All right, then you will take on Undergrowth when he shows up. Make the battle equal in strength and size, and to keep him busy and focus on you." Danny said.

"All right, Danny." Scott said.

"What about you, Danny?" Steve asked.

"I'll take on Sam. She's my girlfriend, and she's everything to me. I... I have to get her back. I'll do anything to keep her safe. I promise her that I will not let anyone, and I mean anyone, do something bad to her and I will always protect her till the day I die, fully die. I'm getting her back for good." Danny said. "Now, first things first, let's free these people from the pods before Undergrowth and Sam shows up."

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