Chapter 1

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I've been here for a week. Still barley knew everyone. I was considered the new girl. I was talked about, they acted like I wasn't here, like I was just a little mouse, here to take food and be useless. But I wasn't.

I sat on my bed. With my elbows on my legs. I looked down at my ripping flannel and dirtied blue jeans. I looked at my shoes that were across the room that were falling apart.
I gotta fix those.
I heard talking outside my window, in the courtyard.
I looked out the smudged window to see all the kids preparing something.
It was becoming nightfall. Everyone seemed to love night. I didn't. Night is scary, it holds the unknown. They always sat outside, played games, ate dinner, and I sat in here... not eating dinner. It's not that they hated me, it's just I wasn't very social and they didn't waste their time on me. And it's okay, I don't blame them, but then again that's just me hating myself.
I looked out the window again and thought.
Maybe I should join them. Maybe just this once.
I sat there, thought for a minute. My brain was racing between moving my feet to interact and staying here where it's comfortable. But my curiosity won and my body shifted toward the door. I walked out of my room and closed my door quietly. I walked in the direction of people chattering and I stepped out the doors. The doors creaked and they all hushed and looked at me. I walked down the stairs slowly and they continued to stare at me.
What am I Cinderella?
I thought as I heard my own footsteps hit the pavement because it was so quiet.
"I-it's Okay, don't pay attention to me." I spoke softly. They all turned and went back to talking as if they obeyed my command.
I walked over to an empty table and sat down. I tilted my head and traced the wood pattern with my finger.
I felt a piece of loose hair from my ponytail fall in front of my face. It just helps me hide better. I sat around by a dim light that was placed on every table. I fiddled with my hands as I sat by myself.
Who am I kidding, I shouldn't have come out here. No one wants to talk to me.
I was about to get up when a kid walked over, no older then 13.
"Hello. I'm Tennessee, but you can call me tenn."
"H-hi." I replied back softly.
"You're y/n aren't you? And you're still pretty new right? I barley see you around."
"Yeah, I don't come out of my room much."
"Ah well that's okay. It's okay to be shy."
"I'm not shy."
"But you are."
"I'm not-" I raised my voice but then cut it off completely. I was shy. I am shy. But I hated admitting it.
I looked up and I saw him drawing.
"You like to draw?"
"Yeah. There's a beauty in it."
"How So?"
"Well... drawing is like imagining another world unlike you're own, imagining what it would be like to not have something you have in this world. Do you like to draw?"
"I used to. I don't know if I'm any good anymore."
"I'm sure you're still great." Tenn smiled. He handed me a piece of paper and gave me a pencil.
"Draw something sometime. And show me when you're done." He got up and left.
I looked at the stuff I was given and felt the paper with my thumb.
I sighed and folded the paper and put it in my pocket. I stuffed the pencil in too and got up. I walked to the steps to go inside. As soon as I placed my foot on the first step I heard a voice.
"Going somewhere?" It asked.

Louis's pov
She was cute. I liked her. She was so shy but confident at the same time. I was talking with the gang while she was over with tenn.
I kept looking back at her, just being curious.
"Why do you go talk to her?" Mitch snickered.
"No way." I shook my head
"Why not? Scared she's gonna bite?" Ruby asked.
"No I'm scared she's gonna hate me." I mumbled.
"Come on! Go get her lover boy!"Mitch slapped me on the shoulder.
I walk over to the stairs as she walks in.
"Going somewhere?" I ask.

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