Chapter 24

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I woke up bright and early to help everyone get breakfast done so we could get to prep easier. Everyone inhaled breakfast and got back to where we all had been positioned for three days. Another herd came in and a tiny half herd walked in not to late after. I guess we will have more. Better then too little.
"Hey how's the plan goin?" Ruby asked.
"Great! I found out that their next trade will be in four days. I think we should be ready the night before. If my calculations are correct. I got a dozen more fish if you wanted to know, I know you and Mitch needed the fish oil."
"Thanks! And maybe we will have dinner tonight!" She smiled. I laughed as she walked off. Louis didn't really have a job so half of the time he was inside playing the piano and keeping everyone sane.
Tenn had finished the shields not too long ago and he still had scraps for one person to have arm cuffs and a helmet and enough wood for a couple people to have chest protectors.
He worked on those fill sundown. We all got up, our backs and feet sore.
"Come on, everyone eat dinner then off to bed." Everyone ate their share and then went straight to bed. before I walked into my room Mitch stopped me.
"Hey." He said.
"Hi." I replied.
"I-I wanted to give you this." He handed me a golden locket.
"Why?" I asked.
"You remind me a lot of my younger sister. She would have wanted me to give it to you. You're like her, so much like her. And it's also a thank you for never giving up on me."
I took it and put it around my neck.
"You look so much like her." He smiled.
"Thanks?" I laughed.
"It's a compliment I promise." He looked at me.
"Anyone should be proud to call you their sister." He smiled.
"You can." I say.
"Really?" He perked up.
"Why not? I don't have anything against it."
"Cool. Well imma sleep. Night sis."
"Night bro."
He waved and I walked in. What a weirdo. I guess he misses his family. I would too.

I slept restlessly that night. Scared to think about what would happen if my plan failed.
I got zero sleep but pushed through. Everyone was awake except me. I was sitting at the table with my eyes going in and out of focus on this map. I soon fell into sleep.

Louis's pov
I look over to y/n and she was passed out on the bench. I could tell she didn't sleep. I heard her pacing in her room all night. She's right above me. I walked over to her and knelt down.
"Y/n. Y/n." I shook her arm and she woke up.
"What? I'm up." She said
"I think you need to take a nap."
"No, no way, not this close to the deadline, we have one 24hour period before we are supposed to be completely ready. I gotta get up and do something." She said. She got up and went over to the practice area. She shot three straight bullseye shots.
She heard the herd come by and so she went inside while I trapped them in the shelter.
"Okay they are gone." I said knocking on the door. She walked out and did a light jog.
"I have to stay awake. I have to." She said as I looked at her like she was a lost puppy. I put my hands on her shoulders and she stopped.
"You're gonna wear yourself out. Go take a nap. Please?"
"Fine." She gave in. She walked up the stairs and into my room. She flopped on my bed and passed out.
I guess I'll be taking over her job now.

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